Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I know supposebly isn't a word. It's one of the non-words that drives my friend Lola and I insane. Like 'irregardless'. Someone already took the title irregardless to use in their blog and I hope they are using it satirically.

We've spent the last two days at work talking about sitcoms from the '70s and '80s. Despite the fact that we weren't allowed to watch much television as kids, I know an awful lot about the shows that aired. We ended up talking about Diff'rent Strokes and one of the guys knew all the plots to the episodes while I was able to recall that Dixie Carter played Mr. Drummonds' girlfriend/new wife for only one season, to be replaced by Mary Ann Mobely. The other guy remembered there being a housekeeper between Mrs. Garrett and Pearl, which I was not cognizant of.

Bringing up Mrs. Garrett led into talk of The Facts of Life and once again, I know a disturbingly large amount of trivia about this show. I did not know however, that Natalie was the first girl on the show to lose her virginity. My supervisor knew that. I was able to recall the fate of "Edna's Edibles" (it burned down) and that they opened up a very trendy 80s novelty store in its place and that Mrs. Garrett went off to get married and was replaced by her sister (Chloris Leachman).

There was also a bit of cross-polination with the girls from Facts making a few guest appearances on Strokes.


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