Wednesday, June 15, 2005

So today the talk turned to The Love Boat and Fantasy Island.

The array of guest stars on TLB was quite impressive compared to FI, but we all agree the stories on FI were better.

It's also amusing to note that on TLB if you see a black female guest star without an accompanying black male guest star (usually Sherman Helmsley) you knew Isaac was going to get some action.
It's like the writers thought, "Hey, Isaac hasn't hit it in awhile, better see if Shari Bellafonte is available."
I think it's a shame that in this new century there isn't a Love Boat or Murder, She Wrote to provide work for all the B and C list celebrities out there. I mean, sure, there's reality TV, but how many people can you cram into the house during The Surreal Life? What are we doing to make sure Florence Henderson is getting work to suppliment her Polident money?


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