GUIDO: hey snagglepuss
LOLA: hey giget
GUIDO: you mean gidget? Like Sally Field?
LOLA: yup, oops
GUIDO: Thanks, I am perky
LOLA: yes, yes you are and light up any room
GUIDO: I can turn the world on with my smile
LOLA: oh, now you're mtm
GUIDO: I just mean generically.
GUIDO: I'm bored
LOLA: me too
GUIDO: at least you're home
LOLA: true
GUIDO: Call a meeting with your associates
LOLA: I did but they needed to leave for court
GUIDO: I'm sure mine are trying to scale the bookshelves to get at the Greenies(C)
LOLA: probably
GUIDO: Ahh Celine Dion
LOLA: whattttt???
GUIDO: she's on the radio
LOLA: how did that happen
GUIDO: it's online
GUIDO: i don't know
GUIDO: i'm too lazy to change it
LOLA: you must be feeling reaaaaallly lazy
GUIDO: it's not that bad. it's that one about her kid
LOLA: it is that bad
GUIDO: it's already over
GUIDO: now we're into Madonna
GUIDO: I'll Remember
LOLA: yeah
LOLA: not one of my faves though
GUIDO: That whole album is pretty blah
LOLA: which one is that?
GUIDO: the one with all the slow songs on it
GUIDO: her ballads collection
LOLA: what's the name?
GUIDO: I have no idea
GUIDO: it's in a box in my back room if you want to go dig for it
LOLA: oh
LOLA: sure, I'm here anyway
GUIDO: something to remember
LOLA: oh, we'll try to forget. hehe
GUIDO: too late
GUIDO: Stand up and Vogue
LOLA: I am
GUIDO: me too!
LOLA: it's so liberating
LOLA: I'm listening to Depeche Mode
GUIDO: Uh, Avril Lavigne? I don't fucking think so
GUIDO: Which Depeche Mode?
LOLA: Love In Itself
GUIDO: I should put in Personal Jesus
LOLA: I heart that song
GUIDO: I just like the album title. Violator.
GUIDO: That should be my porn name
LOLA: I thought it would be Vlad the Impaler
GUIDO: Ooh, I like that!
LOLA: I thought you would
GUIDO: Survivor tonight? or is that over?
LOLA: It is over
GUIDO: Gonna watch the Will & Grace finalé?
LOLA: probably tape it
GUIDO: First hour is a retrospective
LOLA: puke
GUIDO: You'll laugh, you'll cry
GUIDO: You know what they're probably going to show, though, don't you?
LOLA: old fashioned piano party
GUIDO: SHUT UP, Patti Lupone!
LOLA: that would be good
GUIDO: I should get that for my computer
LOLA: yeah
GUIDO: and the best friend/arch enemy one
LOLA: I want the one where Rosario calls Karen a drunken donut
GUIDO: Heehee
GUIDO: Good stuff
GUIDO: I found "Up yours, Count Drunkula"
LOLA: that's good
LOLA: but not as good as the others
GUIDO: I'm gonna so mad when my mood elevators wear off. Hee
LOLA: hehe
GUIDO: I should start calling people "poodle"
LOLA: Yes and Smitty
GUIDO: Nah, I think I'll stick with Moron and Jackass
LOLA: always a wise choice
GUIDO: what's for din-din?
LOLA: dunno yet
GUIDO: I might have a salad with homemade parmesan peppercorn dressing
LOLA: yum
GUIDO: It's quite the tasty little dish
LOLA: Well, I'm going to try to do some work
GUIDO: Ok, poodle
LOLA: Shut up, Patti Lapone
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