Saturday, May 20, 2006

Guido: Hey haggis
Princess Tofu: Hey asshole!
Guido: Um, that's not very nice
Princess Tofu: Who said I was nice?
Guido: certainly not your mother
Princess Tofu: Leave my mother out of this! She's a Saint!
Guido: Well, she is crippletastic
Princess Tofu: Crippleness is next to Godliness!
Guido: Ok, psycho
Princess Tofu: Hey Jackass, I'm going to be spending the day with my mom at her Post Polio group talking cripple stufff.:|
Guido: All day?
Princess Tofu: For a good portion of it, and then I got invited to dinner.
Guido: Good for you!
Princess Tofu: You don't mean that ! Bitch!
Guido: I'm totally sincere.
Princess Tofu: Liar!
Guido: That hurts. Just so you know, I'm blogging all my chat session. Except the naughty ones.
Princess Tofu: Fantastic! I'll be famous!;)
Guido: I change the names
Princess Tofu: Bastard!
Guido: To protect the innocent. Meaning me.
Princess Tofu: That
Princess Tofu: is just not nice!
Guido: Who said I was nice?
Guido: Oooh, that came back to bite you in the ass, didn't it?
Princess Tofu: How so?
Guido: You said the same thing before
Princess Tofu: Ass!
Guido: Well, fine, you just enjoy the day with family
Princess Tofu: I have to take a shower now. We have to get there early enough to have snacks.
Guido: handi-snacks?
Princess Tofu: Handicapped handi-snacks!
Guido: handicapable handi-snacks
Princess Tofu: The hell you say!
Guido: fine, go have fun. I'll just sit here quietly crying
Princess Tofu: Wipe those little tears!:'(Let's do something next saturday.
Guido: Something illegal?
Princess Tofu: God I hope so!
Guido: Ok. Have fun.
Princess Tofu: I'll try! See ya! hugs and kisses to all!
Guido: Buh-bye


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