Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Guido: Our working relationship needs to be terminated. Right here. Right now.
Lola: ummm, was it the fact that I put acid in your coffee?
Guido: I thought that was Skinny N Sweet. It looks almost the same, except for the little skull and crossbones on the label.
Lola: I know, I always confuse the two
Guido: It wasn't a bad episode, but I totally knew it was going to be a twin
Lola: oh, you must have powers as well
Guido: I see stupid people. I see them everywhere. And most of them don't even know they're stupid.
Lola: welcome to my world
Guido: what's on the schedule for today?
Lola: yelling at probation agents. And you?
Guido: Nothing quite as fun. I did bring in some rooting hormone and potted a plant. Other than that, no solid plans
Lola: oh, are you at the other location?
Guido: No
Lola: let's go to Target
Guido: been there
Lola: today?
Guido: no, last week
Lola: soooo, that was last week
Guido: I haven't run out of anything yet
Guido: except patience
Lola: you don't need anything to go to Target. Let's go to Cedarburg
Guido: I'm kind of working here
Lola: kinda
Guido: they might notice if I left
Lola: doubtful, Bib
Lola: Bob
Guido: they'd wonder why no one was being insulted
Lola: perhaps you could some wave sounds on your computer???
Guido: Make it sounds like it has Tourette's?
Lola: yup
Lola: see, let's go
Guido: I have to go to Best Buy at lunch.
Lola: what are you gettin
Guido: Something
Lola: really
Guido: A new CD
Lola: too embarrassed to say who?
Guido: I'm not embarrased for me, I'm embarrassed for your closed mind.
Lola: spill it
Guido: Dixie Chicks
Lola: Just because you heard their song last night?
Guido: I did?
Lola: on the show
Guido: really? I wasn't paying that much attention. I'm buying it because they aren't getting a lot of play on country music stations anymore. I want to make sure the album debuts at #1 on the charts to give a big 'fuck you' to the red states.
Lola: ahhh, well the song that they kept playing during the dream sequences was theirs
Guido: Okay
Guido: I also own their other three albums
Lola: Don't they have more than 3?
Lola: They've been around a long time
Guido: I think this upcoming one is the 4th
Lola: Well, you are the Dixie Chix expert. Perhaps you could ask Fatima
Guido: Why? She's morally obligated to hate them.
Lola: yeah, but she used to like them before the Bush thing, I'll bet
Guido: Yeah, and French wine. Look where that got France.
Lola: hey, call me on my office line later if you want. I'm signing off for now
Guido: Ok, Ilsa
Lola: k, Vlad


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