Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ilsa: hola
Vladimir: guten tag
Ilsa: ach du liber
Vladimir: faith and begorra
Ilsa: Jesus, Joseph & Mary
Vladimir: why you gotta bring them into it?
Ilsa: aren't they in everything already?
Vladimir: not the bhagavad gita
Ilsa: true, will you please tell me sister to stop sending me emails about Bob
Vladimir: Bob?
Ilsa: her ex-boyfriend that is married but keeps sniffing aroung
Ilsa: around
Vladimir: I thought Mike was her ex-boyfriend?
Ilsa: he is her current ex-boyfriend but Bob was the ex before him
Vladimir: wasn't that like 10 years ago?
Ilsa: yes, but she keeps in contact w/him
Vladimir: Slut
Ilsa: yes, but the worst kind in that she keeps him around but won't actually sleep w/him'
Vladimir: Cocktease, slut
Ilsa: that's about the size of it
Vladimir: Speaking of slutty, isn't today your big date?
Ilsa: Whatever, I already met him this a.m. for coffee and I really like him, he's calling tonight to set up a date for this weekend
Vladimir: Oh, it was this morning? What's he like?
Ilsa: smart, shy, funny
Vladimir: any nudity yet?
Ilsa: no, shame on you
Vladimir: Shame on me? Yeah, ok
Ilsa: I'm listening to superfreak
Vladimir: I'm listening to the guy in the next cube type
Vladimir: What's the new guy's name?
Ilsa: Dmitri
Vladimir: Do we have a nickname for him yet?
Ilsa: not yet
Vladimir: artist, right?
Ilsa: yes, graphic artist
Vladimir: Where does he work?
Ilsa: for himself
Vladimir: Hmm, nice
Vladimir: I wish you would have been dating him a year and a half ago.
Ilsa: for your damn logo
Vladimir: Of course
Vladimir: I could have saved $120
Ilsa: yes, how selfish and short-sighted of me
Vladimir: I wasn't blaming you, I just said it would have been nice, is all.
Ilsa: I know, I was kidding
Ilsa: He blushed
Vladimir: At what? Your bawdy jokes?
Ilsa: No, he was just nervous. I thought it was cute
Vladimir: You weren't talking about your sexcapades, were you?
Ilsa: He said he was a dork, I said I like dorks
Ilsa: no, he might have a heart attack
Vladimir: How old is this one?
Ilsa: 45
Vladimir: Wow
Ilsa: that's what he said
Vladimir: about what?
Ilsa: the age difference
Vladimir: Don't you know ages on the website?
Ilsa: yes, but I guess it just hit me.
Vladimir: I guess it's not that big of a deal.
Ilsa: not really
Vladimir: Can we call him 'gramps'?
Ilsa: probably but he won't hear it. Get it? hehe
Vladimir: Let's ask him where he was the day Kennedy was shot
Ilsa: funny boy
Vladimir: He might remember
Vladimir: that was in, what, '63?
Ilsa: Did you know what Ginger Spice's baby's name is
Vladimir: Ginger? Cumin? Allspice?
Vladimir: Cinnamon?
Ilsa: Bluebell Madonna
Vladimir: I'm going to vomit
Vladimir: Who's the daddy?
Ilsa: she won't say but speculation is that is a hollywood screenwriter
Vladimir: we think it's Jason Lee
Ilsa: Sacha Gervasi
Ilsa is offline
Ilsa is now online

Ilsa: sorry, I got disconnected
Vladimir: Loser
Vladimir: what's for lunch?
Ilsa: not sure yet
Vladimir: I'm hungry
Vladimir: Starrrrrrrving
Ilsa: sorry, had a call. Don' know yet
Ilsa: what are you doing for unch
Vladimir: No clue
Vladimir: food, hopefully
Ilsa: anything more specific?
Vladimir: Not at this time. Trying to decide.
Vladimir: i could go for some roast chicken
Ilsa: yummy
Vladimir: or a turkey club sandwich and fries
Vladimir: spaghetti and meatballs
Ilsa: omlette
Vladimir: Nah. Maybe some curry chicken
Ilsa: I'm having a banana now
Vladimir: I have a banana on my desk
Ilsa: eat it
Vladimir: That will spoil my appetite if I have a real lunch
Ilsa: naw, it will only whet it
Vladimir: I want a nice diner lunch. grilled cheese, fries, soup
Ilsa: where are you going to go/
Vladimir: Wishful thinking, I guess. No diners around here. Any diners near you?
Ilsa: Umm, yeah a couple. Hey what about that place in the Brownstones, Potty Belly sandwiches?
Vladimir: yeah, that's ok
Ilsa: My associate is licking my arm
Vladimir: maybe I'll just get in my car and drive away
Ilsa: to Cedarburg
Vladimir: I should
Vladimir: Zoooooooooooooooom
Ilsa: I have to go to the jail
Vladimir: For...?
Ilsa: to smack a client around
Vladimir: fun. when?
Ilsa: about 15 mins or so. Have you decided on a lunch spot/
Vladimir: Nope. I might just leave
Ilsa: ahh
Ilsa: you shoulda done that yesterday
Ilsa: well, I'll talk to ya later


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