Thursday, November 30, 2006

Vladimir Yakamura: Brrrrrrrr!
Ilsa Fujimoto: si
Vladimir Yakamura: The sad thing is that we're on the downward trail now. In January, we'll be excited if it hits this temperature
Ilsa Fujimoto: It really didn't bother me but the snow that's expected does
Vladimir Yakamura: When's it gonna snow?
Ilsa Fujimoto: they say it's supposed to start before tonight
Vladimir Yakamura: Perhaps it would have made sense for a new homeowner to have already bought a shovel by now.
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, what kind of jackass.... oops
Vladimir Yakamura: Wow, I'm a homeowner. I have a mortgage. Man, I'm old.
Ilsa Fujimoto: where's your damn shovel? Maybe my lawn guy can do that for you?
Vladimir Yakamura: What shovel? As a renter, I've always relied on the landlord to shovel the snow.
Vladimir Yakamura: I need some little neighborhood punk to offer to do it for $5 or some McDonald's gift certificates.
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, good luck with that. Kids want cold hard cash
Vladimir Yakamura: Little bastards
Vladimir Yakamura: If you were a mailman and someone gave you the McDonald's certificates for Xmas, would you totally pee all over their mail? The stuff you didn't throw in the gutter, I mean?
Ilsa Fujimoto: and sell their credit card information
Vladimir Yakamura: Oooh, mail fraud. I should get into that.
Ilsa Fujimoto: that would technically be mail tampering and then credit card fraud
Vladimir Yakamura: what if I picked through the garbage to get at their mail? Then technically it would only be the fraud part
Ilsa Fujimoto: mail fraud requires fraud through the use of mail
Vladimir Yakamura: I meant credit card fraud
Ilsa Fujimoto: damn anuerism
Vladimir Yakamura: What a weird word. Fraud
Vladimir Yakamura: Frauuuuuuud
Ilsa Fujimoto: I think button is weird
Vladimir Yakamura: at least it has two syllables
Vladimir Yakamura: Fraud seems like it ends wrong
Vladimir Yakamura: Fraudulent is cool
Vladimir Yakamura: Although it sounds like a toothpaste
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, did you try that new fraudulent toothpaste? It's awesome
Vladimir Yakamura: I fight tooth decay the Fraudulent way
Vladimir Yakamura: 4 out of 5 dentists recommend the Fraudulent tooth care system
Ilsa Fujimoto: that's because they're frauds
Vladimir Yakamura: I don't like the word 'get'. Saying it is okay, but it looks weird written
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm not thrilled with dental
Vladimir Yakamura: it is a hard sounding word
Vladimir Yakamura: den-TAL
Vladimir Yakamura: I like wide words like Sound
Ilsa Fujimoto: but yet mental is fun
Ilsa Fujimoto: I like Zoinks
Vladimir Yakamura: Ok, Shaggy
Ilsa Fujimoto: deny it, you like it too
Vladimir Yakamura: Eh, if I had to pick a Scoobies word it would be Jinkies
Ilsa Fujimoto: zoinks!
Vladimir Yakamura: Odds Bodkins!
Ilsa Fujimoto: ?????
Vladimir Yakamura: It's an olde tyme phrase. I think it means the same thing as Zoinks
Ilsa Fujimoto: ahhhh
Vladimir Yakamura: Apparently Bugs Bunny said it once in a cartoon. It means God's Body or something to do with an oath
Ilsa Fujimoto: what a wascally wabbit
Vladimir Yakamura: Ahh, a 'minced oath' like shorthand for swear words. Like Zounds or Strewth.
Vladimir Yakamura: Gadzooks!
Ilsa Fujimoto: Gadzooks, always a crowd pleaser
Vladimir Yakamura: It's the name of my next album
Ilsa Fujimoto: shouldn't you be concentrating on your teen modeling career?
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm already big in France
Ilsa Fujimoto: well that's the problem
Vladimir Yakamura: I went to the Office Depot at lunch
Ilsa Fujimoto: doesn't sound very nutritious
Vladimir Yakamura: You'd be surprised
Ilsa Fujimoto: I certainly would be
Vladimir Yakamura: besides, I said at lunch, not for lunch
Ilsa Fujimoto: tomato, tomato
Vladimir Yakamura: Ok
Ilsa Fujimoto: so, what did you get
Vladimir Yakamura: Nothing. I was looking for round labels for a home organization project
Ilsa Fujimoto: what are you going to organize first?
Vladimir Yakamura: My adult video collection
Ilsa Fujimoto: that will take all week
Vladimir Yakamura: I know, but the effort will be worth it
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm actually trying to make my spice drawer easier to navigate
Ilsa Fujimoto: oh fun
Vladimir Yakamura: Not really. But I'm tired of picking up every single jar when I'm looking for something. I'm going to buy round labels and put them on the lids so when I look down I can tell what spice is what.
Ilsa Fujimoto: how.... what's the word?
Vladimir Yakamura: Enterprising?
Ilsa Fujimoto: no
Vladimir Yakamura: Zounds?
Ilsa Fujimoto: no, it's on the tip of my tongue
Vladimir Yakamura: Grease?
Ilsa Fujimoto: how, grease? no
Vladimir Yakamura: I thought I heard somewhere that Grease was the word
Vladimir Yakamura: Isn't that right, Lola Newton-John?
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll do the porn after the spice drawer. Then the linen closet.
Ilsa Fujimoto: nice to see that you have your priorities in order
Vladimir Yakamura: My linen closet is fine. I do want some more bath towels. The Caribbean (or big gay) collection isn't very good quality
Ilsa Fujimoto: I have to get ready so I'll talk to you later.
Vladimir Yakamura: ready for what?
Ilsa Fujimoto: my dad's picking me up
Vladimir Yakamura: Ok. Have fun
Vladimir Yakamura: if that's possible
Ilsa Fujimoto: thanks. biyeeeee


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