Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ilsa Fujimoto: hey, I was really busy before but I can chat now
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, it's all about you now?
Ilsa Fujimoto: always
Vladimir Yakamura: What. Ever.
Vladimir Yakamura: We had a meeting
Ilsa Fujimoto: a fun one?
Vladimir Yakamura: Um, sure
Vladimir Yakamura: all meetings are fun
Vladimir Yakamura: and useful
Ilsa Fujimoto: hey, what happened w/freakshow last night?
Vladimir Yakamura: He didn't come home until after I was in bed
Vladimir Yakamura: My warm, cozy, queen-sized bed
Vladimir Yakamura: of lurve
Ilsa Fujimoto: what a sneaky bastard
Vladimir Yakamura: He's an adult. He can come and go as he pleases. I'm his landlord, not his dorm floor monitor
Ilsa Fujimoto: that's not what I meant
Vladimir Yakamura: One of my coworkers heard me talking about the vacancy and started asking me about it on behalf of his daughter
Ilsa Fujimoto: that's funny
Vladimir Yakamura: It was kind of awkward, actually. She has a dog and I told him I wasn't too keen on pets
Vladimir Yakamura: especially considering what mine did to my carpet this week
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, well tell him she can check it out, once she sees there are no closets and that you're charging $800.....
Vladimir Yakamura: I said no because of the dog. Truthfully, it's because they're Mexican and I just don't need that kind of shit going on, you know?
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Vladimir Yakamura: What? Just because I'm Mexican, I can't pick on them?
Ilsa Fujimoto: No, you get carte blance, every minority gets to pick on their ethnicity
Vladimir Yakamura: Well, I don't like to be a hater.
Ilsa Fujimoto: Man, I hope your tenant comes home at a decent time so that we can find out what is going on in that pea brain of his
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm sure it's something dumb. I wish he wouldn't leave until April or so, so it would be warm enough to paint up there.
Vladimir Yakamura: some nice, soothing colors that detract from the fact that there are no closets.
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, I know. Hmmmm, what color would we call it?
Vladimir Yakamura: Xanax
Ilsa Fujimoto: Or prozac?
Vladimir Yakamura: Prozac green
Ilsa Fujimoto: nice
Vladimir Yakamura: I'd like to paint my bedroom green
Ilsa Fujimoto: what shade?
Vladimir Yakamura: well, something soothing. Not too icy, though
Vladimir Yakamura: or too bright
Vladimir Yakamura: or too dark
Ilsa Fujimoto: Is that a front-burner project?
Vladimir Yakamura: My house? No
Vladimir Yakamura: Maybe this spring. I wouldn't want to paint unless I could open the windows
Ilsa Fujimoto: Are you planning on doing any projects on the house before spring?
Vladimir Yakamura: Just the carpeting. Maybe.
Vladimir Yakamura: West Allis police are warning residents about a sex offender who moved in to the community.
Vladimir Yakamura: Police will hold a public meeting Thursday night to alert residents about 41-year-old John Chic.
He was just released from prison after serving 15 years for first-degree sexual assault.
Ilsa Fujimoto: Bhushan?
Vladimir Yakamura: No, my cover has been blown
Ilsa Fujimoto: they always catch up with you
Vladimir Yakamura: John Chic is my alias
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, I caught that
Vladimir Yakamura: Wow, you're smart
Ilsa Fujimoto: smarter than the average bear at least
Vladimir Yakamura: bear or beaver?
Ilsa Fujimoto: oh dear
Vladimir Yakamura: One of the answers to a game in my Games Magazine was Beaver Fever
Vladimir Yakamura: and all I could think of was "Beaver Fever - Catch It!"
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Vladimir Yakamura: they found a body in some park near my work
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, I think I saw that on the news last night
Vladimir Yakamura: do they have any suspects?
Ilsa Fujimoto: just you & me
Vladimir Yakamura: damn it!
Vladimir Yakamura: I was so careful
Ilsa Fujimoto: nice going, Vlad
Vladimir Yakamura: yeah well
Vladimir Yakamura: Keith Urban is coming to Milwaukee
Ilsa Fujimoto: that's my Valentine's day present to you
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm getting you a Pet Rock
Vladimir Yakamura: Ooh, maybe a fondue pot. something to go with your '70s theme
Ilsa Fujimoto: fun, I'm getting you Mr. Microphone
Vladimir Yakamura: Awesome!
Vladimir Yakamura: Hey there girls, we'll be back to pick you up later!
Ilsa Fujimoto: you're soooo cool
Vladimir Yakamura: I'd totally use it
Ilsa Fujimoto: Isaiah Washington is now in counseling. It's the latest celeb trend
Vladimir Yakamura: I don't even know who that is
Ilsa Fujimoto: he's on Grey's Anatomy, he called a co-star a faggot
Vladimir Yakamura: They have rehab for that?
Vladimir Yakamura: Oops, counseling. Nevermind
Vladimir Yakamura: Still - whatever
Vladimir Yakamura: Is the co-star gay?
Ilsa Fujimoto: apparently and now I have a yahoo who has been calling me for 5 days straight 7x a day
Vladimir Yakamura: You're obviously not getting the hint then, are you? Pick up the damn phone.
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm not taking collect calls from morons when we haven't even had an initial appearance
Vladimir Yakamura: Maybe he just wants to sex chat you up
Ilsa Fujimoto: well, those are calls I get paid for, you don't accept collect calls for them
Vladimir Yakamura: I thought that was the 'bone' in Pro bono
Ilsa Fujimoto: classy
Vladimir Yakamura: Thanks. "High Falutin'" is my middle name
Ilsa Fujimoto: I thought so
Vladimir Yakamura: I got my Spongebob address labels in the mail
Ilsa Fujimoto: party
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, we did
Ilsa Fujimoto: like it was 1999?
Vladimir Yakamura: 1599. I circumnavigated the globe. And caught syphillis
Ilsa Fujimoto: well that is par for the course of the life of an explorer
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll have to beg the Queen of Spain for some more Pesetas
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm starting to get hungry. What's for dinner
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm thinking some leftover spaghetti sauce tossed with thin spaghetti
Vladimir Yakamura: and maybe some carrots as an appetizeer
Ilsa Fujimoto: I think I'll be having my usual chicken and rice
Vladimir Yakamura: I have to hit Pick N Save after work for some soda, sparkling water, split peas, canned tomatoes and onions
Ilsa Fujimoto: I think I'll skip the gym tonight
Vladimir Yakamura: Skip to your Lou
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm going to have to sign off, if I don't go to the gym, I'll call you later
Vladimir Yakamura: Don't threaten me
Ilsa Fujimoto: too late
Vladimir Yakamura: bye


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