Friday, January 12, 2007

Vladimir Skywalker: How rude.
LoserBot 3000: what's rude
Vladimir Skywalker: I was chatting with you earlier this week and you just disconnected. *sob*
LoserBot 3000: did i?
Vladimir Skywalker: Yes.
Vladimir Skywalker: I'm going to treat life like a SciFi show from now on.
LoserBot 3000: Why?
Vladimir Skywalker: Why not? I'm going to refer to you as a 'LoserBot 3000'
LoserBot 3000: Fuck you!
Vladimir Skywalker: Maybe a HostileBot
LoserBot 3000: How's work bitch?
Vladimir Skywalker: just fine. How's your inner bitch circuitry?
LoserBot 3000: Right as rain.
Vladimir Skywalker: Awesome
Vladimir Skywalker: Anything new?
LoserBot 3000: What's up with you?
Vladimir Skywalker: Jack
LoserBot 3000: Me too.
Vladimir Skywalker: Waiting for a vendor to come over to load a software upgrade
LoserBot 3000: God your work is just breathtaking. How do you stand the excitement?
Vladimir Skywalker: Tranquilizers and yoga
LoserBot 3000: I prefer xanax and vodka.
Vladimir Skywalker: You would
LoserBot 3000: What are we doing tomorrow?
Vladimir Skywalker: The usual. Terrorizing small villages along the coast. Raping and pillaging as we go. Then sailing off in our giant, dragon-shaped ships.
LoserBot 3000: Huzzah!
Vladimir Skywalker: To the Great Father!
LoserBot 3000: May Odin bless our pillaging.
Vladimir Skywalker: Aye. or whatever the Norse agreement is
LoserBot 3000: God. I could just picture me in a metal breastplate and a hat with big horns.
Vladimir Skywalker: Great, now I'm blind
LoserBot 3000: Good.Serves you right!
Vladimir Skywalker: Heh. Just so you know, tomorrow I will be wearing my Middle Ages costume, complete with scarlet hose and doublet.
LoserBot 3000: Great! Now I'm blind.
Vladimir Skywalker: Why? Catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you basilisk?
LoserBot 3000: No you Harpie!
Vladimir Skywalker: I hardly think I have the lower body of an eagle and the upper body of a hag
LoserBot 3000: Says You!
Vladimir Skywalker: I have a note from my doctor
LoserBot 3000: For what?
Vladimir Skywalker: It covers most things, including getting me out of gym class
LoserBot 3000: Damn. You have gym class at work? That makes your job suck more.
Vladimir Skywalker: Obviously, I don't have gym class at work. That was clearly an absurdism meant to provoke a humourous response
LoserBot 3000: Lovely.
Vladimir Skywalker: Thanks, I try. I've uploaded Microsoft JokeĀ© into my programming
LoserBot 3000: Swell. Did you know that jerry lewis had a 145 iq?
Vladimir Skywalker: That moron?
LoserBot 3000: No shit!
Vladimir Skywalker: Hmmm, by the way, it's that time of year again
LoserBot 3000: for what?
Vladimir Skywalker: time to pay the Mensa piper
LoserBot 3000: It seems so much cheaper to be stupid.
Vladimir Skywalker: You'd know, I guess. And thanks for killing Lily Munster. Why'd you do it?
LoserBot 3000: She was the trifecta of famous people to die. I had her name in the dead pool.
Vladimir Skywalker: I kind of assumed she was dead already
LoserBot 3000: My next pick is the Lohan slut. Her liver is dying.
Vladimir Skywalker: I'm sure her and Paris are pickled by now. We should get our hands on a copy of Satan's Cheerleaders on DVD
LoserBot 3000: Why exactly?
Vladimir Skywalker: Yvonne de Carlo is in it
LoserBot 3000: Oooooooooooo! She was also in the Ten Commandments.
Vladimir Skywalker: Yeah, but I wouldn't want to sit through hours of Charlton "Fast Draw" Heston gasbagging his way through a film for a glimpse of her
LoserBot 3000: She was Mrs moses. Come on!
Vladimir Skywalker: Was she? Never saw it.
Vladimir Skywalker: I have an allergic reaction to bible films
LoserBot 3000: It is only the finest overacted bit of biblical tripe that ever existed. What's not to like?
Vladimir Skywalker: She was pretty when she was in the big pictures
LoserBot 3000: She was pretty before electricity.
Vladimir Skywalker: That's a terrible joke
LoserBot 3000: Kiss my ass!
Vladimir Skywalker: I don't have that kind of time
LoserBot 3000: What the hell are you saying? Too much ground to cover?
Vladimir Skywalker: No, just that my time is too valuable to take time out of my busy schedule to do something as mundane as butt smooching
LoserBot 3000: I thought you were a professional ass polisher?
Vladimir Skywalker: Weird, I thought that was you
LoserBot 3000: I would be a pro tush tickler if it would get me some place at work, but, there's no place to go but down.
Vladimir Skywalker: Hehe, was that a bad pun?
LoserBot 3000: ?
Vladimir Skywalker: "there's no place to go but down"?
LoserBot 3000: Oh "go down" He hee!
Vladimir Skywalker: Funny stuff!
LoserBot 3000: It's the best I can do when I should be sleeping.
Vladimir Skywalker: yeah, yeah, poor you and your awful sleep schedule
Vladimir Skywalker: Run to pick n save and pick me up some groceries
LoserBot 3000: I'm so glad I can count on you for sympathy.
Vladimir Skywalker: No problem. sympathy comes easy for me
LoserBot 3000: Get your own damn groceries!
Vladimir Skywalker: Fine, up yours!
LoserBot 3000: Whatever bitch!
Vladimir Skywalker: Ohh, that hurts. NOT
LoserBot 3000: Why don't you take one of your famous long lunches and get them?
Vladimir Skywalker: What? I'm a dedicated employee and your insinuations really sting
LoserBot 3000: I'm surprised you're not drunk yet!
Vladimir Skywalker: "yet"? I think you mean still
LoserBot 3000: Okay, still!
Vladimir Skywalker: what's up for your day, LoserBot 3000?
LoserBot 3000: I want to check my email, get some sleep, and then finish off my evening by scrubbin the barnacles off of Grandma.
Vladimir Skywalker: Sounds like a party to me
Vladimir Skywalker: Call me tomorrow before you head to the homestead
LoserBot 3000: Okay Sweetie!
Vladimir Skywalker: Thanks, honeylamb
LoserBot 3000: Hugs and Kisses! XXXXXXOOOOO
Vladimir Skywalker: You frighten me
LoserBot 3000: Thank you.
Vladimir Skywalker: No problem.
LoserBot 3000: bye
Vladimir Skywalker: back atcha


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