Friday, June 01, 2007

Vladimir Yakamura: do my eyes deceive me? or is that the lovely visage of Princess Tofu I see?
Princess Tofu: what do you want? money? why the sucking up?
Vladimir Yakamura: Just saying hello, paranoid
Princess Tofu: i'm not paranoid, but the voices in my head are!
Princess Tofu: What's new Pumpkin?
Vladimir Yakamura: Gout is back
Princess Tofu: shut up!
Vladimir Yakamura: I will not!
Princess Tofu: What happened now?
Vladimir Yakamura: ankle hurts now
Princess Tofu: Oh god it's traveling. Maybe it's a snake bite.
Princess Tofu: Or you are just being crazy!
Vladimir Yakamura: Up yours
Princess Tofu: Maybe it's blood poisoning? Do you see a line running up your leg?
Vladimir Yakamura: Yes, but it's my 'spear and magic helmet' tattoo
Princess Tofu: Did you call your doctor? Have you tried different shoes? Do these pants make my ass look fat?
Vladimir Yakamura: No, No, and I didn't think you were wearing pants
Princess Tofu: Hah! Trick question!
Vladimir Yakamura: I know I'm not wearing any
Princess Tofu: Must make you really popular at work!
Vladimir Yakamura: You know how important being popular is to me!
Princess Tofu: Or are you working from the "other office"?
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm at work
Princess Tofu: oh.
Vladimir Yakamura: I think I will be leaving early as I have to be up all night running a project
Princess Tofu: lucky you. which one?
Vladimir Yakamura: it wouldn't mean anything to you. I just have to sit and watch stuff run
Princess Tofu: lke watching paint dry.
Vladimir Yakamura: Not as much fun
Princess Tofu: i feel for you my brother.
Vladimir Yakamura: do you? or are you just a lying scumbag?
Princess Tofu: maybe
Vladimir Yakamura: I suppose I should call the doctor
Princess Tofu: yes. before something falls off.
Vladimir Yakamura: i'd almost prefer it if the foot fell off at this point
Princess Tofu: or the pain makes it to your weiner.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmmmmm
Princess Tofu: wh don't you try taking the prescription you purchased to see if the pain goes away.
Vladimir Yakamura: I did, Mrs Smartyboots
Princess Tofu: you're screwed
Vladimir Yakamura: and not in the good way
Princess Tofu: call the doctor.
Vladimir Yakamura: I just did
Vladimir Yakamura: She said to mind your own business
Princess Tofu: really
Princess Tofu: tell her to fuck off.
Vladimir Yakamura: She is going to slap you with her medical degree
Princess Tofu: i will strike back with the Droning Sword.
Vladimir Yakamura: She's very perky. I doubt if your Funkiller powers will work on her
Princess Tofu: it works on everyone
Princess Tofu: i can kill fun at a 100 paces
Vladimir Yakamura: What if she's carrying the Phial of Gidget?
Vladimir Yakamura: Concentrated essence of perkiness
Princess Tofu: i will strike with the humor of rip taylor
Vladimir Yakamura: that would explain your wig
Princess Tofu: it's my hair
Vladimir Yakamura: Ooops
Princess Tofu: fuck y-o-u
Vladimir Yakamura: thank y-o-u
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm going in at 2
Princess Tofu: good. let me know what she says
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm sure she'll agree with me that you should cram it
Vladimir Yakamura: along with the horse you rode in on
Princess Tofu: i hope you geta peg leg
Vladimir Yakamura: i can beat you with it
Vladimir Yakamura: and hide my opium in it
Princess Tofu: lot of talk for a guy with a painfull tootsie
Princess Tofu: maybe you should lay off the stilletos
Vladimir Yakamura: but they taste so good.
Princess Tofu: and are good for you
Princess Tofu: maybe the life of an impersonator is not for you cher
Vladimir Yakamura: Cher?
Princess Tofu: okay? who are you now?
Princess Tofu: kathy lee
Vladimir Yakamura: I have no idea what you are talking about, crazy
Princess Tofu: suit youself
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, I will!
Princess Tofu: whatever
Vladimir Yakamura: In fact, I already have
Vladimir Yakamura: so there!
Vladimir Yakamura: I feel so alone. No one in my group is here right now
Princess Tofu: did you kill them?
Vladimir Yakamura: Bwah Ha Ha!
Princess Tofu: well?
Vladimir Yakamura: No, I didn't
Vladimir Yakamura: yet, anyway
Princess Tofu: damn
Vladimir Yakamura: speaking of killing, how's your life?
Princess Tofu: okay. they'll never make the charges stick
Vladimir Yakamura: I can get Ilsa Fujimoto, Girl Attorney to take your case
Princess Tofu: swell. i hear she likes a challnge. i'm not tryng to go to jail
Vladimir Yakamura: heehee
Vladimir Yakamura: i have to go get some water. I'll be limping to the kitchen now
Princess Tofu: okay
Vladimir Yakamura: limp, limp
Princess Tofu: gimp gimp. maybe you could geta handicapped sticker
Vladimir Yakamura: I want a cane.
Vladimir Yakamura: So I can beat you with it
Princess Tofu: or a walker with a horn
Vladimir Yakamura: and a rocket launcher
Vladimir Yakamura: have you visted my MySpace page yet?
Princess Tofu: which one?
Vladimir Yakamura:
Princess Tofu: i will now
Princess Tofu: my that sounds just dandy. You liar. Where is lake Surly?
Vladimir Yakamura: It's where the sidewalk dips in the front near that unruly bush. When the snow melts, it forms a small lake
Princess Tofu: Oh, lovely.
Princess Tofu: I see you have a friend named chris
Vladimir Yakamura: yes, I do
Princess Tofu: who the hell is that?
Vladimir Yakamura: Duh, a friend. Just like Arab World Fest
Princess Tofu: A real friend?
Vladimir Yakamura: Yep
Princess Tofu: liar
Princess Tofu: you made him up
Vladimir Yakamura: Only you would do something like that
Princess Tofu: would not bitch!
Vladimir Yakamura: we should make you a myspace page
Princess Tofu: like what?
Vladimir Yakamura: what do you mean, like what? like a page for you
Princess Tofu: About what?
Vladimir Yakamura: you
Vladimir Yakamura: you
Vladimir Yakamura: you
Vladimir Yakamura: you
Princess Tofu: I'm boring
Vladimir Yakamura: agreed. but a myspace page might me you a tad bit more exciting
Princess Tofu: okay. Go to work genius.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm not doing it. You do it. Make up your own lies
Princess Tofu: i'll try to work at that a bit.
Vladimir Yakamura: Lying? I thought that came natually to you
Princess Tofu: you know i need to sleep. My typing is starting to sound like a russian translator.
Vladimir Yakamura: that's appropriate considering your moustache
Princess Tofu: f-u-c-k y-o-u-!!!!!!!!
Vladimir Yakamura: Ohh, potty mouth. You know this is going up on the blog
Princess Tofu: and? You will clean it up.
Vladimir Yakamura: I blog 'em as I see 'em
Princess Tofu: swell. I swear like a dock worker and drink and screw like a vegas show girl. Yippeeee!
Vladimir Yakamura: Your mom must be so proud
Vladimir Yakamura: Anyways, call me!
Princess Tofu: oaky doaky!
Vladimir Yakamura: bye
Princess Tofu: bye


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