Monday, July 23, 2007

Vladimir Yakamura: Speak of le papilon
Princess Tofu: what?
Vladimir Yakamura: I was calling you a butterfly. A dainty butterfly
Princess Tofu: Lovely. I think it's spelled wrong
Vladimir Yakamura: It's from a french website, so you can call France (the city of Lights, you know) and complain if you want
Princess Tofu: I remember the movie, and I thought was 2 L's. Sorry your Lordship.
Vladimir Yakamura: what movie?
Princess Tofu: Papilon. Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen on Devil's Island.
Vladimir Yakamura: Ooh, a family film
Vladimir Yakamura: that is spelled Papillon. Both spellings are correct
Princess Tofu: That's what I thought.
Vladimir Yakamura: i just looked up Butterfly in an online dictionary
Princess Tofu: Haven't you ever seen that film?
Vladimir Yakamura: Nope
Princess Tofu: My Bad.
Vladimir Yakamura: sounds ginchy, though
Princess Tofu: What's up buttercup?
Vladimir Yakamura: Not a damn thing. My knees are sore from kneeling on the concrete floor and painting
Princess Tofu: Thank god you said painting after that.....
Vladimir Yakamura: yeah, yeah. gutter brain
Princess Tofu: How did that go? Are you done?
Vladimir Yakamura: pretty much.
Vladimir Yakamura: we laughed, we cried, we rediscovered the bonds that make us all sons of man
Vladimir Yakamura: and children of Allah
Princess Tofu: And they thought it was going to take forever
Princess Tofu: lineage of Abraham
Princess Tofu: Just like the jews
Vladimir Yakamura: please don't use the "J" word
Princess Tofu: whatever. Don't be a hater.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm a lover, not a fighter
Princess Tofu: That's what I hear.
Vladimir Yakamura: two weeks and a few days!
Princess Tofu: I read a fascinating story this morning about a guy who's head was basically empty. He had only a tiny sheet of brain tissue and a whole head of spinal tissue and I thought of my neighbor next door.
Princess Tofu: fluid
Vladimir Yakamura: I had a foster sister like that
Princess Tofu: really? which one
Vladimir Yakamura: I don't remember
Princess Tofu: The doctors gave him an MRI and couldn't believe what they saw. Said he had an IQ of 75 and was a civil servent. He developed a weakness in his right arm so they did the xrays. That is the wildest thing I have ever heard.
Vladimir Yakamura: Sounds like a hoax
Princess Tofu: I've heard of Anecephaly, where you are born with nothing but a rudimentary brain stem. They said he had an unusual amount of spinal fluid when he was a kid, so they put a shunt in his head till he was 12.
Princess Tofu: In fact he had kids and everything.
Princess Tofu: What really pisses me off is; he's got no brain and seems to be doing okay, and I have one and my life sucks. Where's the justice in life.
Vladimir Yakamura: First of all, until I see your MRI results I cannot in good conscience agree with your last statement
Princess Tofu: I have had many head xrays, so, I have actually seen that i have a brain. Thank you very much Mister!
Vladimir Yakamura: Maybe the many xrays killed it
Princess Tofu: Maybe i'm too stupid to volunteer.
Vladimir Yakamura: Probably. Most of them are.
Princess Tofu: allright, then I won't come
Vladimir Yakamura: Well, we might as well just cancel the whole thing, then!
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll start a telephone chain right now!
Princess Tofu: Well, go right ahead
Vladimir Yakamura: Telephone tree, sorry
Princess Tofu: I knew what you meant
Vladimir Yakamura: What if I had said Telephone Rock?
Princess Tofu: That's what i have. You bang them together and everyone runs to the cave.
Vladimir Yakamura: You should upgrade to drums
Princess Tofu: We're experimenting with fire right now
Vladimir Yakamura: all the cool tribes are using drums
Vladimir Yakamura: some of them even have smaller ones they carry around their necks. It's the iDrum
Princess Tofu: OOOOOOO! I've heard about that.
Princess Tofu: I hear there are problems with the iDrum though.
Vladimir Yakamura: wood rot
Princess Tofu: You pound on it and nothing happens.
Princess Tofu: Why is it that it seems to be raining everywhere in the world except for here?
Princess Tofu: Who did we piss off?
Vladimir Yakamura: We? Or you?
Princess Tofu: Shut up! I make my animal sacrifices all the time.
Princess Tofu: The gods cannot be displeased with me.
Vladimir Yakamura: God hates you
Princess Tofu: Which one?
Vladimir Yakamura: The big kahuna. Why do you want rain, anyways?
Princess Tofu: Because the leaves on the trees are already changing. There will be nothing left for fall.
Vladimir Yakamura: I see
Vladimir Yakamura: I thought you were worried about your crops
Princess Tofu: Well, that too. Paw is awful worried.
Vladimir Yakamura: That's too bad, half ass. I mean half pint.
Princess Tofu: Don't make me come over there in my robe and fuzzy slippers and kick your ass.
Vladimir Yakamura: Since you don't have a security card, I'm not too worried
Princess Tofu: I'll tell them I'm your mother.
Vladimir Yakamura: They all know my mother isn't in her 80s yet
Princess Tofu: F*ck you!
Vladimir Yakamura: She also doesn't swear like a sailor
Princess Tofu: I'll have to take your word for that
Princess Tofu: My mother liked to pick up sailors
Princess Tofu: Her eyes glaze over when it's fleet week in new york.
Vladimir Yakamura: The way you talk about your poor mother
Princess Tofu: What are you talking about. The guy she was dating before my dad was a sailor. And by the way, so was my dad.
Princess Tofu: She's got a thing about a man in uniform.
Vladimir Yakamura: Burger King uniforms?
Princess Tofu: doesn't make a difference
Vladimir Yakamura: she is easy
Princess Tofu: Like the oven


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