Thursday, July 26, 2007

Vladimir Yakamura: You're up terrorizing the villagers early
Princess Tofu: i'm just checking some email quickly and then going to sleep. I'm having oral surgery this afternoon.
Vladimir Yakamura: You said oral!
Princess Tofu: ha ha!
Princess Tofu: I mean it in the cleanest, most christian possible way.
Vladimir Yakamura: how dull
Princess Tofu: Okay, i meant it in the bad way! Weeeeeeeeeeee!
Vladimir Yakamura: I figured you did
Vladimir Yakamura: have fun getting your oral on
Princess Tofu: I'll be getting pain killing drugs, my sweet.
Vladimir Yakamura: awesome
Princess Tofu: That and a little vodka spells P_A_R_T_Y!
Vladimir Yakamura: let's talk about my trimmed bush for a minute
Princess Tofu: is it?
Vladimir Yakamura: yes and shaped so nice
Princess Tofu: like a hand giving a finger to the hillbillies across the street?!
Vladimir Yakamura: no, no. everything is just nice and neat
Vladimir Yakamura: well, neater
Princess Tofu: Like my bush
Princess Tofu: I can see it from the window and it is lovely.
Vladimir Yakamura: Wonderful!
Vladimir Yakamura: We have lots to do this weekend, my little volunteer helper. Envelopes and the name badgers
Vladimir Yakamura: heehee, badgers
Vladimir Yakamura: badges
Vladimir Yakamura: and of course being evil
Princess Tofu: Well, It kind of depends on how i Feel. I'm not sure if there will be stitches involved.
Vladimir Yakamura: oh, walk it off you big baby
Princess Tofu: This is coming from the "Toenator" who was hobbled by rich living.
Vladimir Yakamura: it was probably caused by your cooties
Princess Tofu: My cooties wouldn't have anything to do with you.
Vladimir Yakamura: too dumb, eh?
Vladimir Yakamura: understandable
Princess Tofu: No. It would be slumming.
Vladimir Yakamura: ooh, that hurts. NOT
Princess Tofu: kiss my *ss!
Vladimir Yakamura: asterick s s?
Princess Tofu: ASS
Vladimir Yakamura: nice language, princess
Princess Tofu: i tried to be nice with the asterick, but you wanted to play hardball.
Princess Tofu: I have to get some sleep,
Vladimir Yakamura: fine
Vladimir Yakamura: who's stopping you?
Princess Tofu: nobody, bitch. I'll talk to you tomorrow and tell you how i feel. Not that you care.
Vladimir Yakamura: Not really, no
Princess Tofu: great, bye
Vladimir Yakamura: good luck!
Princess Tofu: mazel tov!
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm eating Zingers for breakfast
Princess Tofu: which kind?
Vladimir Yakamura: devil's food
Vladimir Yakamura: yes, quite a tasty start to the day
Princess Tofu: Polish that off with a little gin.......Breakfast of champions.
Vladimir Yakamura: and of course, nothing says 'good morning' like trans fats and hydrogenated oil!
Vladimir Yakamura: Water is my liquid du jour
Vladimir Yakamura: as it is most days
Princess Tofu: Really, nothing says good morning like 3 pounds of bacon extra crispy.
Vladimir Yakamura: not much into the bacon
Princess Tofu: oh well, more for me!
Vladimir Yakamura: indeed
Princess Tofu: indeed
Vladimir Yakamura: why are we talking like Alastair Cooke?
Princess Tofu: i thought you wanted to talk like alastair cooke. I believe there is a little of him in the zingers.
Vladimir Yakamura: i heard he used to dunk them in his tea
Princess Tofu: No. I mean after the body part scandal, there really could be some of him in there.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmmmmmm
Princess Tofu: They are "artistically" rich and delicious.
Vladimir Yakamura: and very classy
Princess Tofu: You bet your ass they are.


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