Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ms Fujimoto: Vlad, is that you?
Ms Fujimoto: Good news, it's supposed to be in the low 70s tomorrow
Mr Yakamura: Hey Ilsa!
Mr Yakamura: How was the date last night?
Mr Yakamura: and yes, excited about the drop in temperature
Ms Fujimoto: The date was very long again. I am very tired today
Mr Yakamura: where'd you end up going?
Ms Fujimoto: Well, first he gave me a tour of his house/studio and then we tried to go to dinner but everything was closed so we just picked up burgers and came back here
Mr Yakamura: where does he live/work?
Ms Fujimoto: close to here in the Sherman park area. I don't remember the exact address
Ms Fujimoto: he wants to sculpt me
Mr Yakamura: Dirty!
Ms Fujimoto: can be
Mr Yakamura: No one wants to be here
Ms Fujimoto: do they ever?
Mr Yakamura: no, but today we really mean it
Ms Fujimoto: suggest that you all work in the park today
Mr Yakamura: It's supposed to storm this afternoon
Ms Fujimoto: yea!!!!!!
Mr Yakamura: I would like to be home
Ms Fujimoto: after the front moves through, so it's not hell hot there
Mr Yakamura: I just want to be home for the storm
Ms Fujimoto: I heart storms
Mr Yakamura: What are you doing today?
Ms Fujimoto: some office work, then I leave for children's court at 12:30 and if I have time after court, I'm seeing a client at the Waukesha Co Jail, gym tonight
Ms Fujimoto: you?
Mr Yakamura: well, working I guess
Mr Yakamura: then library, video store and home
Mr Yakamura: Why won't the vet give me tranquilizers for my cat?
Ms Fujimoto: cause they're in cahoots w/Second Hand Purrs
Mr Yakamura: I really need to do something about Asha's nails.
Ms Fujimoto: maybe I can come over and hold her for you, I know that my cat is a two person job
Mr Yakamura: She won't even let me pick her up at all. And she runs if she sees me holding a towel.
Mr Yakamura: I know they have drugs in there. Just give me one or two.
Ms Fujimoto: maybe you'll have to have to take her to a groomer. She let's you pick her up, right if she doesn't think you're up to something
Mr Yakamura: No, she never lets me pick her up.
Mr Yakamura: or even hold her close. Any time she thinks she's being confined in some way, she freaks out
Ms Fujimoto: ahh, Skittles but with claws. That is really hard because even if you had someone come there, you'd have the same problem because she wouldn't let them get close either. Did your vet have any other suggestions?
Mr Yakamura: A traveling vet who makes house calls, but I don't see that helping either.
Ms Fujimoto: yeah, still same problem really.
Mr Yakamura: and then another human would be exposed to Casa Despair
Ms Fujimoto: that would actually be worth it. That really does suck. At least I can do Mini's with assistance because she is freakishly strong but she always lets me pick her up
Mr Yakamura: I should call another vet and lie and say I'm moving. They give you tranqulizers for that.
Ms Fujimoto: sneaky, you are one smart cookie
Mr Yakamura: I'm trying to find an unscrupulous vet on the internet who will send out drugs in the mail
Ms Fujimoto: that should be easy
Mr Yakamura: you'd think so, wouldn't you?
Ms Fujimoto: no luck?
Mr Yakamura: not so far
Mr Yakamura: It's raining here!
Mr Yakamura: and thundering
Ms Fujimoto: cool, I thought I heard thunder
Mr Yakamura: Guess who isn't here yet?
Ms Fujimoto: mommy
Mr Yakamura: Yep
Ms Fujimoto: shocking
Mr Yakamura: What do I want for lunch?
Ms Fujimoto: umm, the KFC vomit parfait
Mr Yakamura: I would have said no before, but your description is so tempting...
Ms Fujimoto: I know, I should be in marketing
Mr Yakamura: what's good on a rainy day?
Mr Yakamura: margaritas?
Ms Fujimoto: chili if it was a cold rain but Chinese and rain just seem to go together
Mr Yakamura: I just don't see that
Ms Fujimoto: Well, I don't know, I'm going to make tuna salad
Mr Yakamura: That sounds good
Mr Yakamura: I could go for a fruit salad
Mr Yakamura: or a grilled cheese
Ms Fujimoto: there you go
Mr Yakamura: there's a big difference in rainy day spring food and rainy day fall food
Ms Fujimoto: yes, that is so true
Mr Yakamura: What about a ham and cheese sandwich on grilled wheat bread?
Ms Fujimoto: yummy. Pick me up one
Mr Yakamura: seasoned fries or fruit salad?
Ms Fujimoto: fruit salad
Mr Yakamura: anything to drink?
Ms Fujimoto: no, I'm good with the water
Mr Yakamura: we do have new raspberry iced tea...
Ms Fujimoto: why, that does sound delicious
Mr Yakamura: Oh, sorry, we ran out about 5 minutes ago
Ms Fujimoto: damn you, Patti LaPone
Mr Yakamura: would you like to see the dessert menu?
Ms Fujimoto: No, no I couldn't possibly
Mr Yakamura: I want to go home and curl up on the couch
Ms Fujimoto: I want to be sedated
Mr Yakamura: well, good luck getting tranqulizers from my vet
Ms Fujimoto: your vet sucks
Ms Fujimoto: buzz kill
Ms Fujimoto: I'm going to do some dishes now before I leave for court. Lata


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