Friday, May 26, 2006

Vladimir: Bossman didn't get the job.
Ilsa: well, that's too bad, he jumped through a lot of hoops
Vladimir: Yeah, but what can you do?
Ilsa: Did you know Scott Peterson was a fertilizer salesman? How appropriate
Vladimir: I tried not to pay attention to that whole thing
Ilsa: I didn't know that until noe
Ilsa: now
Vladimir: If it wasn't about Brad/Jen or Bennifer (the 1st one) I wasn't interested
Message: Could not connect to network.
Vladimir: this thing is telling me it can't connect to the network
Ilsa: oh
Vladimir: yeah, I don't know either
Ilsa: so my sister is mad at me for not responding to her zillion emails about Bob
Vladimir: Type up a stock response and then use the same one everytime she emails you
Vladimir: Tell her Bob is gay. Out and very gay.
Ilsa: That would not explain him wanting to have sex with her. My stock response should be something like, "of course I'm listening" or "you are right, he is crazy"
Vladimir: How about "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"?
Ilsa: yeah, that's always a crowd pleaser
Vladimir: It always wows them at telemarketing offices
Ilsa: I'm sure they're still talking about ir
Ilsa: it
Vladimir: Did Dmitri call last night?
Ilsa: ?????
Vladimir: Your new man. Dmitri is the online code name for him
Ilsa: ahh, yes he did little squirrel
Vladimir: That's just wrong. What plans did y'all make?
Ilsa: Dinner and drinks Sunday night. What is wrong little squirrel or should you be Boris and I'll be Natasha
Vladimir: I'm Vladimir, hello!
Vladimir: Get with it, Ilsa
Ilsa: I know, but I'm in a Rocky & Bullwinkle zone right now
Vladimir: Watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat
Ilsa: hehe
Vladimir: You didn't do your line
Ilsa: I forgot, I'm sorry
Vladimir: You have to say a-GAIN in a high-pitched, feminine squirrel voice
Ilsa: ahh, a-GAINNNNN
Vladimir: better
Vladimir: next time, a little more butch, though
Ilsa: I'll try
Vladimir: I think Noxema is actually making my skin worse
Ilsa: really, how? Oily?
Vladimir: breaking out like crazy
Ilsa: yeah, you should use neutragena
Vladimir: I like the tingle from Noxema. And the intoxicating smell
Ilsa: yeah, well sniff it, don't let your skin suffer
Vladimir: But I bought two jars of it
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