Vladimir Yakamura: Great. Back at work.
Ilsa Fujimoto: morning sunshine
Vladimir Yakamura: back at you, twinkletoes
Vladimir Yakamura: what's new?
Ilsa Fujimoto: work, work, work
Vladimir Yakamura: well, that's good
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm just counting down until lunch
Ilsa Fujimoto: L.C.
Vladimir Yakamura: yes, I brought several to choose from
Ilsa Fujimoto: What kinds?
Vladimir Yakamura: I just grabbed
Vladimir Yakamura: mostly chicken
Ilsa Fujimoto: ah, grab bag
Vladimir Yakamura: i'll be surprised at lunch
Ilsa Fujimoto: me too
Vladimir Yakamura: I'd like to leave, though. Now that I've tasted freedom, I don't want to be cooped up
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm really hungry
Vladimir Yakamura: have an apple
Ilsa Fujimoto: I would if I had one
Vladimir Yakamura: i bought some cortland apples yesterday. they are chilling in my refrigerator
Ilsa Fujimoto: brb
Ilsa Fujimoto: had to get a sandwhich
Vladimir Yakamura: mmmm, sandwich
Vladimir Yakamura: i'm drinking ice water
Ilsa Fujimoto: me too
Vladimir Yakamura: copycat
Ilsa Fujimoto: i was doing it first
Vladimir Yakamura: i was doing it before it was cool
Ilsa Fujimoto: i so knew you were going to say that
Vladimir Yakamura: you must be psychic
Vladimir Yakamura: or a big, fat liar
Ilsa Fujimoto: i knew it because i was going to say it
Vladimir Yakamura: maybe you should sign up for America's Psychic Challenge
Ilsa Fujimoto: knowing you were going to say that, I already did
Vladimir Yakamura: then I'll look for you this week on the premire
Ilsa Fujimoto: you should because it will be the most dramatic rose ceremony ever
Vladimir Yakamura: every day for me is the most dramatic rose ceremony ever
Vladimir Yakamura: i want some chicken 'n taters for dinner
Ilsa Fujimoto: you're going to have to wait for tomorrow to start cooking'
Vladimir Yakamura: is it hot out?
Ilsa Fujimoto: yup
Vladimir Yakamura: thunderstorms tonight
Vladimir Yakamura: then 56 degrees tomorrow
Vladimir Yakamura: Ugh. 5 more hours to go
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Vladimir Yakamura: are you at home or in the office?
Ilsa Fujimoto: ofc
Vladimir Yakamura: ahh
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'm tired
Vladimir Yakamura: me too
Vladimir Yakamura: i think i might be schizophrenic
Ilsa Fujimoto: why?
Vladimir Yakamura: i keep smelling almonds
Ilsa Fujimoto: that's because I'm putting arsenic in your food
Vladimir Yakamura: if that were true, i'd be eating better
Ilsa Fujimoto: true
Ilsa Fujimoto: could you go to court for me?
Vladimir Yakamura: sure
Ilsa Fujimoto: awesome, I'm on my way to drop off files
Vladimir Yakamura: i'll just wing it
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll use the 'help a brother out' defense
Ilsa Fujimoto: always a winner
Vladimir Yakamura: better than always a weiner
Ilsa Fujimoto: usually
Vladimir Yakamura: unless your name is Schwartzmunkenschanz and you own a sausage emporium
Ilsa Fujimoto: true
Vladimir Yakamura: we're going to be moving up all the Arab World stuff this year, so if you want to get a head start on not volunteering, you should start not doing it now
Ilsa Fujimoto: yeah, I'll get right on that
Vladimir Yakamura: Why don't you just sign up to volunteer and then not show up? That's a very popular choice.
Ilsa Fujimoto: yes, I've heard that's what all the cool kids are doing
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