Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Ilsa: hey, baby
Vlad: about time someone's online
Ilsa: I've been sooooo busy
Vlad: Doing your nails? Watching Oprah? Eating BonBons?
Ilsa: defending the wrongly accused
Vlad: Mmmmm, bonbons. I want some ice cream
Ilsa: sounds yummy
Vlad: wrongly accused, eh?
Ilsa: weeeeelll
Vlad: I think you mean unfortunately caught and accused
Ilsa: something like that. I am soooo hungry
Vlad: You can run over and have one of the cats birthday doughnuts. I brought them in this morning
Ilsa: hehe. Where'd you get them?
Vlad: Gas station
Vlad: It's a Hostess assorted pack
Ilsa: aww, the sucky kind. I need chicken or something anyway
Vlad: Well, there is no Dunkin Donuts near here
Vlad: I was going to get cupcakes from Pick N Save, but I was dragging my ass this morning
Ilsa: there's a Krispy Kreme
Vlad: barf-o-rama
Vlad: I have to shopping after work and pick up some foodstuffs
Ilsa: I have to pass out
Vlad: If you'd stop drinking your lunch...
Ilsa: yeah, yeah. What are you making us for dinner?
Vlad: well, if we go by what I have in my house, boxed macaroni & cheese with crackers and pepper jack cheese as an appetizer
Vlad: annnnnnnnnnnd water!
Ilsa: no, what are you getting us at the store?
Vlad: peanut butter cup ice cream
Vlad: ground turkey
Ilsa: hmm, I'd like salmon with a mango chutney
Vlad: I should make sloppy joes
Ilsa: that works too
Vlad: mango chutney? excuse me while i vomit
Ilsa: you should see someone about that
Vlad: what? my aversion to pretentious food?
Vlad: Maybe I'll buy some tuna for a cat birthday treat
Ilsa: oh, you like your share of pretentious food
Ilsa: any word from the parents?
Vlad: I'm all over the caviar
Vlad: nope
Ilsa: that was fun on Sunday
Vlad: It was awesome! It makes me dream even harder of home ownership
Ilsa: yes, friends dropping in for an impromptu dinner and drinks. I like that, it makes me feel like a grown-up
Vlad: I'll never feel grown up.
Vlad: I'm totally faking it now
Ilsa: Any luck on the internet search?
Vlad: Not really. I think I'm going to leave soon
Ilsa: k
Vlad: Hit the Walgreens and Pick N Save
Ilsa: cool, my tv downstairs died yesterday
Vlad: Then run home to sing happy birthday to my cat
Vlad: died?
Ilsa: yup, nothing
Vlad: that blows
Ilsa: I know
Vlad: They have lots of sales on those, though. You can get a nice big one for well under $200. I got mine for like $130 at Best Buy
Ilsa: yeah, well I don't have any discretionary money right now
Vlad: Hook
Ilsa: Great idea
Vlad: You gotta find a sugar daddy
Ilsa: I know, I think I'll do that tonight
Vlad: Hitting Victor's are we?
Ilsa: yes
Vlad: Sweet
Ilsa: a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do
Vlad: Been there
Ilsa: hehe
Vlad: Get a part-time job at Target
Ilsa: ummm, no
Vlad: Burger King? I think the one near me is hiring
Ilsa: If push comes to shove, I'll do the rose thing
Vlad: Buy a webcam and a faster web connection and do live sex shows from your bedroom
Ilsa: well, there is always that but I'll have to wait until Dimitri gets back
Vlad: girl on girl makes more
Ilsa: yeah, you're right
Vlad: I think there are auction sites where you can sell off used underwear
Ilsa: OMG!!!!!
Vlad: You could make a fortune. Note to self: Look those sites up when I get home
Ilsa: Awesome. Are you gonna be around later tonight?
Vlad: probably.
Ilsa: call me
Vlad: Oh, I will
Ilsa: oh, it's already brought
Vlad: yeah, ok. bye
Ilsa: bye


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