Friday, June 16, 2006

Vladimir: Hey freakshow
Ilsa: hey beaner
Vladimir: Offensive!
Ilsa: of course
Vladimir: I have another house appt tomorrow
Ilsa: do you think you'll be able to see the whole thing?
Vladimir: I hope so
Ilsa: where is it?
Vladimir: E Potter in Bay View
Ilsa: hmmm, not familiar with that street. What's the cross street?
Vladimir: I have no idea. Who am I? Rand McNally?
Ilsa: uh, yeah
Vladimir: It says KK north of Oklahoma to Potter
Vladimir: according to my sources it's down the street from the Bay View library and a McDonald's
Ilsa: all your essentials
Vladimir: I guess
Vladimir: As long as I'm close to a pick n save and a Target, I'm happy
Ilsa: that really is all that matters
Vladimir: What about peace and love?
Ilsa: screw that
Vladimir: I hear that, as long as I have hardwood floors!
Vladimir: and a Roomba
Ilsa: perhaps you can include a roomba clause in your offer
Vladimir: "Ilsa Fujimoto must supply one new, functioning Roomba, that she purchased from a reliable dealer and did not make herself."
Ilsa: ah, can't I make it myself?
Vladimir: Out of what?
Ilsa: I was thinking mache paper
Vladimir: papier mache?
Ilsa: yes, Mr. Pretentious
Vladimir: What. Ever.
Ilsa: bring it
Vladimir: It's already brought, wrapped and served up cold
Ilsa: Well, I got a fresh new can of whoop ass that I'm just dying to open
Vladimir: I doubt you could find the can opener required
Ilsa: I'll open it with my teeth
Vladimir: I'll pay to see that
Ilsa: cool, that's my next money-making venture
Vladimir: Mine is killer-for-hire
Ilsa: that's been done to death
Vladimir: was that a pun?
Ilsa: busted
Vladimir: that was awful
Ilsa: you laughed, admit it
Vladimir: actually, I was confused and had to think about it for a minute
Ilsa: have you gotten anything done today?
Vladimir: I just got up and have been looking at properties and chatting with people I thought were my friends before they got all catty on me.
Ilsa: me-owww
Vladimir: I'm getting up the strength to load up everything in the car and launder it
Ilsa: I give you credit. I remember hauling laundry, not fun
Vladimir: well, it has to be done. especially the bedding. and by bedding I mean cat-hair covered fabric
Ilsa: yes, yes, I hear ya. I'm just so grateful that I just have to march downstairs with mine. I actually like doing laundry, I just never liked it when it was an event, when I had to haul it
Vladimir: Yeah, I don't mind it, either. Especially in winter when you can hug the warm clothes from the dryer.
Ilsa: awwww
Vladimir: Happiness is a pair of warm socks from the dryer
Ilsa: or undies
Vladimir: I was quoting "Peanuts", so no mention of underthings there
Ilsa: that's true. Hey, when you get your house, you can fly your flags again
Vladimir: I gave those away
Ilsa: really? I didn't know that
Vladimir: yes, to Robin. She has a flag pole at her house
Ilsa: ahh
Ilsa: well, I think I'm going to do things backwards today. I think I'll clean during the day and do my legal work tonight. I'm in a cleaning mood all of a sudden.
Vladimir: I hardly ever have those
Ilsa: me too, so I should probably ride the wave
Vladimir: heh
Vladimir: ok, have fun
Ilsa: later? Call me tonight?
Vladimir: Hell to the yes. Or just yes.
Ilsa: hehe, okay, bye
Vladimir: bye


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