Friday, July 14, 2006

Funkiller: Are you at home?
Vladimir: We've got spirit, yes we do. We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
Funkiller: Lovely. Are you planning on becoming or dating a cheerleader?
Vladimir: Both
Funkiller: God, I am imagininig the nuptials right now.
Vladimir: They'd be perky
Funkiller: Hell yeah!
Vladimir: I am working from one of our other locations
Funkiller: Doing a Ruth?
Vladimir: Actually, bitch. I have an interview today, so in order to avoid awkward leaving at odd times and coming back, etc., I'm working from home today.
Funkiller: What kind of interview?
Vladimir: With the Vampire
Funkiller: Job or with your mortgage people a-hole?
Vladimir: Nice attitude, saddletramp. Now, I'm going to keep you in suspense
Funkiller: Great.
Vladimir: Is it burning you up inside yet?
Funkiller: Not really,
Funkiller: it doesn't involve me either way.
Vladimir: It might. You have to start calling me 'boss'
Funkiller: Why the hell would you want to work by me? I don't want to work there.
Funkiller: But, I really love money.
Vladimir: I'm kidding. I'd rather die
Funkiller: Me too.
Vladimir: 2 weeks, 4 days
Funkiller: Til the Gender reassignment?
Vladimir: I thought yours was already started? That's what I told the guys at the game store two weekends ago.
Funkiller: Perfection takes time.
Vladimir: So does building the perfect man. Ask Dr. Frankenfurter
Funkiller: I have the most incredible headache. I 've had it for 3 days and nothing seems to make it any better. It's probably a tumor.
Vladimir: I've had one for a few days, too. We think it's because the weather was hot, then slammed to cool, then back to hot again.
Vladimir: Or a tumor.
Funkiller: It's made me puke. It's really fun at work to do that.
Vladimir: I'd think it would make it more challenging
Funkiller: Considering the bathroom is almost a 1/2 a block away. I didn't think I could move that fast.
Vladimir: would monsieur care for a bucket?
Funkiller: Or perhaps a wafer thin mint.
Vladimir: Mmmm, wafer thin
Vladimir: let me log onto work. I'll disappear for a minute, and then be back on
Vladimir is offline
Vladimir is online

Funkiller: Hello there stranger.
Vladimir: Look, I'm working!
Funkiller: If that helps you sleep at night, go with it.
Vladimir: 1. Cram it. 2. Bite me. 3. What. 4. Ever.
Funkiller: I think I am going to take some of the oxycodone I have left over from my last tooth infection. Maybe that will make me feel a little better. Or at least high so I won't care.
Vladimir: That shit blows
Vladimir: Give me valium
Funkiller: I don't have any. I have to take what I got.
Vladimir: I prefer tylenol sleepy time
Funkiller: I prefer tequila sleepy time.
Vladimir: well, you are a big fucking drunk
Funkiller: Not really. It's all talk as far as anyone knows. It's just between me and my bartender.
Vladimir: THUNDER!
Funkiller: LIGHTNING!
Funkiller: Oh mighty hammer of Thor.
Vladimir: Thanks, I try my best
Funkiller: I guess we have to take what you got.
Vladimir: I'm interning as the God of Thunder for the summer
Vladimir: I was hoping for God of STDs, but that was already taken
Funkiller: Jealous?!?
Vladimir: Not really
Funkiller: well, I am going to take some pills and shut my eyes.
Vladimir: good for you. I'll make sure they tone down the whore makeup at the funeral
Funkiller: no. Not that many pills.
Vladimir: damn it
Funkiller: I'm glad I can always count on you for sympathy.
Vladimir: Back at you!
Funkiller: I'm going nite-nite.
Vladimir: adios
Funkiller: Vaya con dios. I 'll talk to you later about your "interview".
Vladimir: "okay"
Vladimir: "good-bye"
Funkiller: bye


Blogger the lorider said...

these are only getting better!!

I am in awe!

2:03 PM  

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