Thursday, July 06, 2006

Vlad: Admit it, that automatic litter box looks cool.
Ilsa: it does
Vlad: My worry would be the size. It doesn't look like it would hold enough for two cats, even if you set it to clean every 24 hours.
Ilsa: yeah, seems as if this technology is in the early stage. We'll have to hold out for a bigger one
Vlad: Yes, because at $300, I wouldn't be buying two of them
Ilsa: and there is that, the price tag
Vlad: I'd also worry about odor. Regular granules of cat litter usually contain some kind of odor control when the cats scratch. This stuff is just plastic beads. You'd think stuff would just lie in there and smell until it was cleaned.
Ilsa: yeah, another good reason to wait
Vlad: I really want the Litter Robot. Or a maid.
Ilsa: I vote for maid. I'm really going to become a life coach
Vlad: Me too. "Get off your ass and do things."
Vlad: "Move it, you little pansy!"
Ilsa: quit your crying
Vlad: 3 weeks, six days.
Ilsa: party
Vlad: Wanna hear the plan? Too bad...
Vlad: I close on August 1.
Vlad: I will spend that week packing up the non-essentials that are still laying around.
Ilsa: so, everything has been repaired?
Vlad: It will be
Ilsa: okay.
Vlad: Then on Saturday, August 5, I rent a van from UHaul
Vlad: I move the boxes myself. Kitchen crap, books, clothes, misc bullshit. Everything but the big pieces.
Vlad: Then, at some point during the next week, I will hire Mike's brother to come in and move the big furniture one afternoon. I'm taking all of the second week off of August.
Vlad: That will bleed into Friday, where I have to be at Arab World Fest all weekend and I've taken the following Monday off to recuperate.
Ilsa: busy guy. Well, like I said if you need help unpacking or painting, let me know
Vlad: I'm not going to paint. Maybe in the Fall if there's something that disgusts me, but I'll wait awhile. There's other stuff I will probably want to do first.
Ilsa: I see, well, I'll chat w/you later. I have to get back to work but I'm staying online because I'm downloading an ipod update and it apparently takes an hour
Vlad: That's fine. I'll read my magazine.
Ilsa: hehe


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