Friday, July 21, 2006

Ilsa: I'm exhausted. How is your day going? How is your foot?
Vlad: It's better, but I won't be able to do my clog dancing class tonight
Vlad: Plus, it's boring here.
Ilsa: no fun magazines?
Vlad: No. Just bills and sleepy cats
Ilsa: ah
Vlad: and no Doritos
Ilsa: I just got back from meeting with my new P.I.
Vlad: Fun! What was the secret phrase?
Ilsa: gams
Vlad: How do you like him/her?
Ilsa: he seems really cool and motivated
Vlad: How many people has he shot?
Ilsa: just one to watch him die
Vlad: well, who hasn't done that?
Vlad: when are we going shooting?
Ilsa: soon, maybe after you move into your new digs
Vlad: well, we can't shoot anything there. Here, maybe.
Vlad: Shooting seems like a fall activity...
Ilsa: yeah
Ilsa: the hillbillies are sitting on their front steps again
Vlad: Damn! I wish I was closer
Ilsa: to shoot them?
Vlad: I don't have a gun. I just want to bask in their hillbilliness
Vlad: maybe swap 'still' stories. you know, hiding them from the revenuers and such
Ilsa: the best was when they were just laying on their front lawn
Vlad: I have nothing to say at that
Vlad: I'm jamming out to Edith Piaf
Ilsa: I am to Suzanne Vega
Vlad: I win
Ilsa: if winning is losing, then yes
Vlad: Whatever. Edith Piaf is the bomb. Suzanne Vega can shove it up her acoustic guitar
Vlad: and take Luka with her
Ilsa: wow, that's a lot of pent up anger
Vlad: She's inspired a lot of hate over the years
Ilsa: I was unaware
Vlad: She did a song on the Pretty in Pink soundtrack that's ok, but I won't listen to it on purpose.
Ilsa: what song?
Vlad: Left of Center
Ilsa: that wasn't her best
Vlad: that's a bottomless pit
Ilsa: I did not know you had such a strong dislike of her. Chili Peppers are on now
Vlad: I hate them too
Vlad: I'd say I hate them more because they're more prolific and just won't give it up
Vlad: Suzanne Vega hardly annoys me with new stuff anymore
Ilsa: I did not know so many artists were on your "kill on sight" list
Vlad: I should become the Folk Singer Killer
Vlad: That's right, Peter, Paul & Mary, I'm looking at you!
Ilsa: that I can understand
Vlad: Sarah Vaughn is on now
Vlad: Heehee, now it's Samantha Fox
Ilsa: oh, my lord
Vlad: Hey! Naughty girls need love, too
Ilsa: Don't I know it, I mean, so I've heard
Vlad: i heard you were thanked on the liner notes of that album
Ilsa: Yes on a lot of liner notes
Vlad: what time's dinner??
Ilsa: 4:30 cause I gotta leave for the gym at 5:30
Vlad: ahhh
Vlad: I should've shopped this week
Ilsa: how bout potatoes and tomatoes
Vlad: I don't have any fresh tomatoes.
Vlad: I need some chicken
Vlad: and black beans
Vlad: and tortillas
Ilsa: wow, what are you Mexican or something?
Vlad: No, I want to make a cream pie
Ilsa: I'm signing off, wanna call me?
Vlad: I will later after I sign off from work
Ilsa: oh, your line is split between the phone & your email?
Vlad: No, I'm just cleaning up some stuff for work
Ilsa: oh, okay


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