Vladimir O'Yakamura: Gosh and Begorrah, it's Ilsa O'Fujimoto
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: si, senor
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: wazzup?
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Nothing.
Vladimir O'Yakamura: It's hot outside.
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: yeah
Vladimir O'Yakamura: My cats are probably little puddles on the floor
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: my shower pipe is leaking
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Is that a euphamism?
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I wish
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Call Mr. Rooter
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: no, I'm going to call an actual plumber
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I'm hiring a handyman to fix some stuff
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I know
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Go Handyman!
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Handyman powers, activate!
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I got some liq plumber but the boy said I'm going have to get a plumber to open the pipe and get all the gunk out
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Get a snake
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: no that won't work, that will only unclog it temporarily
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: brb
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: miss me?
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Who are you again? I mean, yes.
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I had a turkey burger for lunch
Vladimir O'Yakamura: with potato wedges
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I had cheese and pistachios
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I had pistachios for dinner. Along with lemonade
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: oh crap, I forgot to get Crystal Light lemonade at the store
Vladimir O'Yakamura: tsk tsk. Pick N Save finally had sugar-free Kool-Aid lemonade
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I need a nap
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: me too
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I really need it to cool down so I can sleep at night.
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: not til Wednesday
Vladimir O'Yakamura: that's not going to be enough
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: sleep in the living room
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Why don't you sleep in the living room, Miss I-Have-An-Answer-For-Everything?
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: It's a curse
Vladimir O'Yakamura: So is my apartment
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: almost done
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Let's sing Mercedes Boy by Pebbles
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I'm singing Ricky Martin now
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Pebbles is stuck in my head
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: Cup of Life is stuck in mine. Whatcha going to do? I've decided to spend an hour or two to work on my Wednesday trial this afternoon and spend all day tomorrow working on next week's trial
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Good plan. I will be spending tomorrow working on jack and then the day after working on bupkis
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: you suck
Vladimir O'Yakamura: I suck? It's not my fault. I'd rather be a space cowboy
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: I think you should be a carny
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Hey, those space cows aren't going to corral themselves
Vladimir O'Yakamura: Besides, I like having all my teeth
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: teeth are overrated
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: nap time. Call you tonight?
Vladimir O'Yakamura: If I haven't melted
Ilsa O'Fujimoto: hehe
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