Friday, July 28, 2006

WinterFresh: Hey Puddin'! How's it going?
Vladimir Yakamura: Hey, everyone, it's WinterFresh
WinterFresh: Wintafresh in da house!
Vladimir Yakamura: What's up?
WinterFresh: Took my car for the emissions test. It failed. But, on a bright note, my gas cap passed. I have to get a new catalytic converter.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmmm, expensive!
WinterFresh: Actually $290.00 installed.
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, nevermind. That's not bad.
WinterFresh: It could have been worse. My car is a 1999.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mine is a Hyundai
WinterFresh: Ha Ha! Smartass!
Vladimir Yakamura: Thanks. I've packed all the clothes and started dragging boxes into the kitchen.
WinterFresh: Oh God! Are we going to remark the boxes with what's actually in them this time?
Vladimir Yakamura: If you want to get all anal about it, knock yourself out. But I am planning on unpacking everything in the new place, so it's not like I'll have to play box hunt anymore.
Vladimir Yakamura: Besides, "kitchen shit" really says it all
WinterFresh: In a nutshell.
WinterFresh: Oh, and i'm not big on anal.
Vladimir Yakamura: Not big on anal? Ok, whatever you have to tell yourself.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll grab a few new boxes and some more tape in case we need to really repack some stuff. Most of it looks good. The boxes just need reworking.
WinterFresh: Not unless i get paid.
Vladimir Yakamura: how about double-penetration?
WinterFresh: Now that's a different story.
Vladimir Yakamura: A dirty story
WinterFresh: Yes it is.
Vladimir Yakamura: So. I'm doing my final walk through tomorrow at noon. I'm bringing a measuring tape with me so I can immediately fly to Ashley and order my new furniture.
WinterFresh: Can I go along?
Vladimir Yakamura: No. Legally the house isn't mine. I have to wait until my realtor shows up with the lockbox code to get in.
WinterFresh: Can I go the Ashley with you?
WinterFresh: I'll wear underwear!
Vladimir Yakamura: Not unless you meet me there. I want to run over right away after I see the place. I'm trying to get a delivery time for the week I'm off, that way I can leave the old couch and coffee table behind and not worry about moving them.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm getting a sofa, loveseat, coffee table, two end tables and a dining room hutch. I picked them out last week.
Vladimir Yakamura: Blue couches
WinterFresh: Oh well. Fine then.
Vladimir Yakamura: Ashley doesn't sell low sideboards
WinterFresh: Get a high one and we'll cut the legs off.
Vladimir Yakamura: well, they don't see high ones either. I'll have to troll rummage sales
Vladimir Yakamura: and the docks
WinterFresh: For furniture, right?
WinterFresh: Not sailors.
Vladimir Yakamura: either/or
WinterFresh: Thrillmeister!
Vladimir Yakamura: Whoo hoo. 4 days!
WinterFresh: It's almost impossible to believe how far into debt you are going. It's breathtaking.
Vladimir Yakamura: I know. I have to do the wire transfer today for the downpayment. It's going to physically hurt. But I'll be a landowner
WinterFresh: Start pricing out your organs.
Vladimir Yakamura: Eh. I'll be fine. I have an Ashly card. No interest or payments for like two years.
Vladimir Yakamura: And really, even with what I'm buying, it's only $1200
Vladimir Yakamura: Any thing I do for the house itself is tax-deductible
WinterFresh: I wish I had 1200. I could stop whoring.
Vladimir Yakamura: As if you'd stop
WinterFresh: Well, not as much.
Vladimir Yakamura: Can't you trace your lineage back through whores all the way back to the middle ages?
WinterFresh: I believe I can.
WinterFresh: There isn't a mattress in centuries that hasn't been dented by my family.
Vladimir Yakamura: Heh
WinterFresh: We pride ourselves on our stick-to-it-tiveness
Vladimir Yakamura: your stick-your-legs-in-airtivness
WinterFresh: Yes!
WinterFresh: You gotta have goals.
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, I agree. Too many young girls are just giving it away with no thought for their future
WinterFresh: Yes indeedy. You can't do it forever. You got to plan your retirement. You know, Madamhood.
Vladimir Yakamura: Ohh, Mamasan
WinterFresh: Me likey!
Vladimir Yakamura: Get in the mood for Chinese food for tomorrow
WinterFresh: I'm always in the mood for a little Chinese.
Vladimir Yakamura: well, who isn't? Me so horny. Wait those were Vietnamese
WinterFresh: Yup!
Vladimir Yakamura: That was very quasi-racist of us
WinterFresh: You could say that.
Vladimir Yakamura: And I did.
Vladimir Yakamura: If you want, we can use the clothespin chopsticks
WinterFresh: you sure know how to show a girl a good time.
Vladimir Yakamura: Thanks. There are also many many episodes of Skeletor, Big Drunk and Cooking Simply for a Stroke
WinterFresh: Hot Damn!
Vladimir Yakamura: It's Krautfest tonight?
WinterFresh: Ja!
WinterFresh: They are going to have fireworks that come out like swastikas.
Vladimir Yakamura: Again?
WinterFresh: And the crowd pleaser"Whose mother has the best Hitler mustache"!
WinterFresh: They also have a new line of jewelry this year. The W.W.H.D. line.
Vladimir Yakamura: I gotta get me some of that
Vladimir Yakamura:
WinterFresh: Where the hell did you find that?
Vladimir Yakamura: I don't know. it's fun, though
WinterFresh: I wonder if they sell shirts? I want my Kitler shirt!
Vladimir Yakamura: Ask them
WinterFresh: Or maybe a nice mug for my hot chocolate.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmm, comforting
WinterFresh: And so acceptably Aryan.
Vladimir Yakamura: As long as those cats aren't Jews
WinterFresh: I wonder if anyone will be wearing them at the Nazi rally that is supposed to be coming up?
Vladimir Yakamura: cuz then it's just wrong
Vladimir Yakamura: Nazi rally? Oh lord, where?
WinterFresh: The capitol.
Vladimir Yakamura: state? or federal?
WinterFresh: State!
Vladimir Yakamura: Ahh, yes. Wisconsin Nazis Unite!
WinterFresh: For the Fatherland.
Vladimir Yakamura: I wonder how much money we could make selling Kitler shirts out of the back of a car?
Vladimir Yakamura: You know, for the kids?
WinterFresh: i bet they would go crazy for that.
Vladimir Yakamura: Sad, isn't it?
WinterFresh: But profitable.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmm, filthy, filthy lucre
WinterFresh: I love it when you say that. It gets me hot!
Vladimir Yakamura: I should go to the Nazi rally and make some new friends
WinterFresh: Oh hell yeah! Take laura with you.
WinterFresh: That would be a day to remember.
Vladimir Yakamura: No, she'd freak out about it. I'd meet some people and get invited to parties or something before blowing the big secret.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm a MUD PERSON! Whooo!
WinterFresh: How delightful. Maybe you could sleep with one of their sisters before you tell them.
WinterFresh: Or even Mothers!
Vladimir Yakamura: Or fathers! Grrrwwwl. White supremicist men get me in a lather
WinterFresh: I know what you are saying! I love authority figures.
Vladimir Yakamura: Especially when they're calling for a white homeland. And frankly, I think that'd totally a good idea. Let's give them Georgia or Arkansas or one of the cousin-fucking states and then we'd know where they all were.
WinterFresh: HERE!HERE!
Vladimir Yakamura: Then there'd be that mysterious biological 'accident' with the smallpox.
WinterFresh: They are probably immune. Farm animals, Remember?
Vladimir Yakamura: Fine. Strafing with machine guns, whatever
WinterFresh: OOOH! That sounds really nasty! Senseless violence is hot!
Vladimir Yakamura: I heartily concur
WinterFresh: Most excellent!
Vladimir Yakamura: This day needs to go faster
WinterFresh: Have some coffee and it will.
Vladimir Yakamura: No it won't It will be long and I'll have to pee all the time.
WinterFresh: i have to do some laundry or i will have to work naked tomorrow.
Vladimir Yakamura: Don't threaten me
WinterFresh: It's not a threat, it's a promise.
WinterFresh: Why don't you do some actual work, and maybe that will make the day go faster.
Vladimir Yakamura: For your information, beeyotch, I've been working while chatting with you.
WinterFresh: OOOOH! You multitasking wizard.
Vladimir Yakamura: I know
Vladimir Yakamura: Go do laundry. I will be at home and sassy tomorrow by 2pm
WinterFresh: Allrighty!
Vladimir Yakamura: Seeya tomorrow, WinterFresh
WinterFresh: I have to eat something before i go. I'm seeing stars.
WinterFresh: And not the good kind.
Vladimir Yakamura: whatever
WinterFresh: bye


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