Monday, July 24, 2006

Vladimir Yakamura: Hey Sugar Lips
WinterFresh: Hello my little Cherry Blossom.
Vladimir Yakamura: 8 days, bitch!
WinterFresh: Did everything go through with the mortgage.
Vladimir Yakamura: Yep. I get my insurance tomorrow and the closing is on August 1.
WinterFresh: Does your tennant know?
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll assume. Not my responsibility.
WinterFresh: Did they replace the furnaces?
Vladimir Yakamura: Supposed to be done over the weekend
WinterFresh: This weekend?
Vladimir Yakamura: Yes. Appraiser went over this morning.
WinterFresh: Did he cross himself?
Vladimir Yakamura: Huh? Why?
WinterFresh: When he saw the furnaces?
Vladimir Yakamura: They're new. He didn't see the old ones.
WinterFresh: Yippeee! It is done!
WinterFresh: I thought you would get screwed on that, but alright!
Vladimir Yakamura: I wouldn't have been screwed. It was a condition of purchase.
Vladimir Yakamura: They would have had to smootch my butt
WinterFresh: EWWWWWWW!
Vladimir Yakamura: bite me, pugsley
WinterFresh: Whatever!
Vladimir Yakamura: All ready for the packing party this Saturday?
WinterFresh: Will there be liquor? If there is, color me there!
Vladimir Yakamura: I've got liquor.
Vladimir Yakamura: And catnip
WinterFresh: I got music. Who could ask for anything more.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll play "Eye of the Tiger" during the packing
WinterFresh: Why that's just good anytime.
WinterFresh: Can we be as noisy as possible?
Vladimir Yakamura: Are you up for the challange of our lives?
WinterFresh: Why? We are NOT going into the basement!
Vladimir Yakamura: No, that's a lyric in the song
Vladimir Yakamura: I have nothing in that basement.
WinterFresh: Thank God! Maybe we should put something in that basement.
WinterFresh: Like a body.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'd be more surprised if there wasn't one down there already.
WinterFresh: Probably and old tennant.
Vladimir Yakamura: Or some indigent who got sucked into the vortex
WinterFresh: Maybe the people up front are cannibals.
Vladimir Yakamura: No, just stupid trash
WinterFresh: I never hear them cooking.
WinterFresh: Fighting, yes. Cooking, no.
Vladimir Yakamura: They just eat scraps off the floor
WinterFresh: Ma brings em home in a sack.
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmm, the old feed bag
WinterFresh: I bet the kid has been standing outside the window and eyeing your cats as vittles.
Vladimir Yakamura: You could get quite a meal out of Chunky T
WinterFresh: Yeah. A meal and leftovers.
Vladimir Yakamura: and a nice stock
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm bored. I want this week to go fast
WinterFresh: I'm on vacation the next 2 days.
Vladimir Yakamura: That applies to me how?
WinterFresh: I'm just letting you know i will be reveling in joy whilst you are bored.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm getting paid a zillion dollars to be bored
Vladimir Yakamura: Why don't you run over and start some packing or cleaning?
WinterFresh: I won't even be in town whore.
Vladimir Yakamura: Then why bring it up?
WinterFresh: But, if you are really nice, maybe I'll bring you something for the new house.
Vladimir Yakamura: Vacuum cleaner? Lawn mower? Roomba?
WinterFresh: Aren't you a wishful thinker.
Vladimir Yakamura: Yes, I am
WinterFresh: Besides, your birthday is coming in September.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll be old and broke by then
WinterFresh: Maybe i'll get you a toaster oven.
Vladimir Yakamura: Ohh, toaster oven
Vladimir Yakamura: I'll have to see how much counter space I have. And how much pantry space. I really need to get into the house and start measuring
Vladimir Yakamura: I picked out my new furniture from Ashley
WinterFresh: Really? Are they having a sale again?
Vladimir Yakamura: I got one of their credit cards. They always have a sale with the cards. I'm getting a sofa, loveseat, coffee table, two side tables and a dining room hutch
WinterFresh: Wonderful. Light or dark wood?
Vladimir Yakamura: cherry
WinterFresh: Wonderful. Is there any exposed wood in this place? Or is it all painted?
Vladimir Yakamura: painted stuff. i don't know what's under the carpet
WinterFresh: Living things!
Vladimir Yakamura: Here's hoping!
WinterFresh: Or body outline.
Vladimir Yakamura: I just need to get in there and start measuring
WinterFresh: How long do they have before they have to get their asses out?
Vladimir Yakamura: The first. It's my house as of the 1st.
Vladimir Yakamura: I assume he's moved out the rest of his crap by now.
WinterFresh: So if they don't move fast enough, we could be tossing things to the curb?
Vladimir Yakamura: I think you mean rummage sale.
WinterFresh: I smell income potential.
Vladimir Yakamura: He's been living with his wife for awhile. Most of his stuff was already out
Vladimir Yakamura: And the sofas that are there are hideous
WinterFresh: Of course. he didn't want them. So why move them.
Vladimir Yakamura: That's my feeling. If he does leave them, I'm leaving mine where it is.
WinterFresh: There's a plus. Now your landlord will say it's furnished.
Vladimir Yakamura: Furnished with cat hair
WinterFresh: and hairballs and other nasties.
WinterFresh: Check for change if you are leaving it.
Vladimir Yakamura: I just want this to be over
WinterFresh: You poor dear.
Vladimir Yakamura: I want to be lounging around my own house. Where I am able to have more than one dish and one bowl out.
WinterFresh: A dream about to come true.
Vladimir Yakamura: A big backyard to play in and reenact the mountain scene from Sound of Music
WinterFresh: I'm giddy as a school girl.
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm as giddy as a lonely goatherd
WinterFresh: I'm giddy as a lonely goat. Tee hee!
Vladimir Yakamura: 1:20? Think of how many boxes you could repack before I got home
WinterFresh: Fuck you I have to sleep.
Vladimir Yakamura: Thanks for the hositlity
WinterFresh: And i still have to work tonight.
Vladimir Yakamura: I know what would help you sleep. A big warm glass of shut the fuck up.
WinterFresh: With whip cream and a cherry on top, Bitch.
WinterFresh: I'm not keeping you from your work?
Vladimir Yakamura: I hear the West Allis farmer's market is awesome
WinterFresh: Yes. Live poultry.
Vladimir Yakamura: And on Sunday, the grounds becomes a flea market
WinterFresh: I am sure there are fleas other days of the week too.
Vladimir Yakamura: Whatever. I'm quite excited. Sad to leave the ghetto farmers market behind, but oh well
WinterFresh: Are they having a going away party for you?
Vladimir Yakamura: Yes, yes they are
WinterFresh: That's just grand.
WinterFresh: brb
WinterFresh: there. that's better.
Vladimir Yakamura: swell
WinterFresh: It's so much easier to type naked.
Vladimir Yakamura: That's why we have naked Thursdays here
WinterFresh: You never told me about naked thursdays?
Vladimir Yakamura: trade secret
WinterFresh: Really? What's Ruth got going on? She a cutie after popping out 2 ankle biters?
Vladimir Yakamura: I try not to think about that
WinterFresh: Your just saying that.
Vladimir Yakamura: I say a lot of things
Vladimir Yakamura: Wankle rotary engine, for example
WinterFresh: Yes I know. And mean very few of them
Vladimir Yakamura: Oh, I mean wankle rotary engine.
WinterFresh: Delightful.
Vladimir Yakamura: Let's talk about the voyages of Sinbad and his seamen
WinterFresh: I like to talk about seamen.
Vladimir Yakamura: squabbies
WinterFresh: Sqiddies.
Vladimir Yakamura: fresh meat
WinterFresh: MMMMMM! now you're talking!
Vladimir Yakamura: I'm having rice & beans and chicken for dinner
WinterFresh: I'm having Musk Ox.
Vladimir Yakamura: I belive you
WinterFresh: You should, it's all true.
Vladimir Yakamura: It's not as good as my taco rice and beans
WinterFresh: It's hard to find a good recipe in english for musk ox.
WinterFresh: I wonder if I could make Musk Ox tacos?
Vladimir Yakamura: go for it
WinterFresh: Or maybe, fettucine ala musk ox.
Vladimir Yakamura: use the magic bullet
WinterFresh: Do you know that there is now a nock off of the nicer dicer?
WinterFresh: it's called the Vidalia Slicer.
Vladimir Yakamura: Yep. Saw it on tv over the weekend.
Vladimir Yakamura: you push the food down instead of having it go up into the cup
WinterFresh: What Bitches. You get something good and some one has to bastardize it.
Vladimir Yakamura: Whatever. the nicer dicer is retarded
WinterFresh: I guess i'll have to send back the one I bought you.
Vladimir Yakamura: You can get them at Target for about a 1/3 of the tv price.
WinterFresh: But you don't get all the extras.
Vladimir Yakamura: what extras?
WinterFresh: The extra handy plastic cup.
Vladimir Yakamura: You get the cup with the one from Target
WinterFresh: You actually went and looked at them, you crackhead?
Vladimir Yakamura: No, they're on display. I was in Target yesterday buying garbage bags for the move
WinterFresh: oh.
Vladimir Yakamura: Your new name is WinterFresh
WinterFresh: How did you come up with that?
Vladimir Yakamura: I don't know. Sounds fancy
WinterFresh: Sissy Winter-Fresh. I like it.
Vladimir Yakamura: Sissy? No, just winterfresh
WinterFresh: Thanks.
Vladimir Yakamura: Or Mrs. Ty-D-Bowl
WinterFresh: Up yours jackass.
Vladimir Yakamura: what a foul-mouthed bitch you are
WinterFresh: Yes I am.
Vladimir Yakamura: I wasn't asking a question
WinterFresh: I gotta go. I'm missing my soap.
Vladimir Yakamura: how pathetic. have fun!
WinterFresh: Fuck you.
WinterFresh: bye
Vladimir Yakamura: bye


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