Vladimir Yakamura: You know, you don't have to watch Dynasty to have an attitude
Ilsa Fujimoto: really???
Vladimir Yakamura: It's true
Ilsa Fujimoto: I guess I've been listening to the wrong people
Vladimir Yakamura: You do run with a fast crowd
Ilsa Fujimoto: you know how I roll
Vladimir Yakamura: mmm, hot rolls with butter
Ilsa Fujimoto: already fantazing about food/
Vladimir Yakamura: Are you telling me you wouldn't eat hot rolls with butter?
Ilsa Fujimoto: I wouldn't not eat them but I'm not daydreaming about them
Vladimir Yakamura: Well you were the one who brought it up
Ilsa Fujimoto: ummm, okay, how's that sinus medication working out for you?
Vladimir Yakamura: I've been freebasing it
Ilsa Fujimoto: clearly
Vladimir Yakamura: Ooh, that hurts
Ilsa Fujimoto: hurts so good
Vladimir Yakamura: Ok, John Cougar Mellancamp
Ilsa Fujimoto: oh no you didn't
Vladimir Yakamura: Sorry, forgot you dropped the 'cougar' part
Ilsa Fujimoto: damn skippy
Vladimir Yakamura: what are you working on?
Ilsa Fujimoto: just working on a sentencing and this afternoon, that DNA case I was telling you about. How about yourself
Vladimir Yakamura: Just looking over some stuff
Vladimir Yakamura: thinking about jamming to some tunes
Ilsa Fujimoto: I have Sinead on now
Vladimir Yakamura: O'Connor or Lohan?
Ilsa Fujimoto: Lohan?
Vladimir Yakamura: Yes
Vladimir Yakamura: Sinead Lohan
Ilsa Fujimoto: never heard of
Vladimir Yakamura: doesn't surprise me
Ilsa Fujimoto: well, enlighten me
Vladimir Yakamura: If I only had that kind of time
Vladimir Yakamura: When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, suddenly I'm part of a caravan fighting my way through a snowy pass in the height of winter, being forced to eat our dead to stay alive. Brrrrrr!
Ilsa Fujimoto: some times you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't
Vladimir Yakamura: Mmm, salty, salty nuts
Vladimir Yakamura: I have a headache
Ilsa Fujimoto: take head on, apply directly to the forehead
Vladimir Yakamura: Screw that. Where's the morphine?
Ilsa Fujimoto: I'd rather have my tylenol sinus. It's so wonderful
Vladimir Yakamura: Sounds like a personal problem. I smell an intervention!
Ilsa Fujimoto: no problem, just bliss
Vladimir Yakamura: I still want to do an intervention
Vladimir Yakamura: What time should I be over for lunch?
Ilsa Fujimoto: why don't you come at 11:30, I won't be here
Vladimir Yakamura: Just for that, I will. And I will bring my good friends gasoline and matches.
Ilsa Fujimoto: great, I can rebuild then
Vladimir Yakamura: better? faster? stronger than he was before?
Ilsa Fujimoto: oh yes indeed
Vladimir Yakamura: what kind of lame-ass bionics would you get today for $6 million?
Ilsa Fujimoto: a toe
Vladimir Yakamura: I thought you were going to be making pancakes and bacon?
Ilsa Fujimoto: well it is National Say the Opposite Day, so yes I am
Vladimir Yakamura: Actually, Miss Smartyboots, it's Talk Like A Pirate Day
Ilsa Fujimoto: It's Talk Like a Pirate Day a lot. It seems like very month someone says that
Vladimir Yakamura: No, it's true. Sept 19 is the official day
Ilsa Fujimoto: but haven't you noticed that?
Vladimir Yakamura: well, I say things like that all the time. It's 'talk like a pirate day' or 'bad irish accent day'
Vladimir Yakamura: I think you're about to get some mail!
Vladimir Yakamura: Or herpes, my magic 8 ball is kind of wonky
Ilsa Fujimoto: hehe
Vladimir Yakamura: You ever heard of Delerium?
Ilsa Fujimoto: Yes, I know many people who suffer from it.
Vladimir Yakamura: You need some new material
Ilsa Fujimoto: you need a kick in the nads
Vladimir Yakamura: Wow! hostile!
Vladimir Yakamura: I was going to offer you some cool music, but now you can just walk the plank, you landlubber. Arrrrr.
Ilsa Fujimoto: C'Mon, I'm clearly having a mental break, please send me some music!!
Vladimir Yakamura: well, I can't from here
Vladimir Yakamura: but delerium is quite nice. It's kind of like Enigma from back in the day
Vladimir Yakamura: or a dancier version of dead can dance
Ilsa Fujimoto: well, send it later?
Vladimir Yakamura: sure from home
Vladimir Yakamura: maybe some sinead lohan. She's an Irish lass
Ilsa Fujimoto: really, sounds awfully Russian
Vladimir Yakamura: You're thinking of Dvotchka O'Petrovich
Ilsa Fujimoto: Actually I was thinking of 50 cent
Vladimir Yakamura: My new rap name is 30 cent
Ilsa Fujimoto: mine is 8 million dollars
Vladimir Yakamura: Mine is Compound Interest
Ilsa Fujimoto: I thought that was your fat cat
Vladimir Yakamura: You just had to go there?
Ilsa Fujimoto: sorry, but yes
Vladimir Yakamura: We're thinking of going out for Pirate food for lunch
Ilsa Fujimoto: what would be
Vladimir Yakamura: moldy bread, oranges and our own urine when the brackish water runs out
Ilsa Fujimoto: sounds fabulous
Vladimir Yakamura: Aye, it does
Vladimir Yakamura: batten down the hatches, there's a fun storm approaching
Ilsa Fujimoto: oh lord
Vladimir Yakamura: Ahoy, good ship Lollipop - prepare to be boarded!
Ilsa Fujimoto: I think you need an intervention
Ilsa Fujimoto: I gotta go the gym, peace
Vladimir Yakamura: out